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Posts posted by DarkViper30000

  1. I wouldn't deny other songs but ALL are SUPERB. My best one is Let Down, which is my favourite of all time. It is full of electronics, waves (Saw Wave) and rock. And this time, Chaz improves his vocals. After the first verse, an acoustic guitar is played briefly, making it more unique for an electronic song.


    My other favourites are: Walking in Circles... (Add one more poll that says: ''ALL'')

  2. I got Fire, Crawl Back In, Let Down midis. The rest (Walking in Circles, My Suffering) are in progress. I did them early.


    I also got the midi of New Divide :P I would be happy to share with everyone.

  3. I love both! They're my earliest and most favourite song.


    Acoustic version: Nicely sung. I listen heaps of time before the album release. The guitars are great.

    Studio Version: Goddamn! I'm stuck to it like New Divide to me.

  4. It's okay. A bit of a romantic piece. But I like Walking in Circles, Let Down more. 7/10 for it. Don't say the worst song... Every piece of music requires a lot of effort... Just say "Not my taste, sorry." It sounds better that way. ;)


    Chester is particularly happy about the song. He wanted to give us a surprise. But the 30 seconds preview made him stunned.



    Chester from Twitter: I've been told some of u have heard 30sec of "Give Me Your Name". Where did u hear it from?

  5. idk if anyone caught this but mike posted this on lp.com forums today.


    "I hope you guys realize (as I do) that no matter what goes on the LPU9 CD, there will be people who say "it sucks and the band is lame for insulting us with such garbage." And there will be people who say, "This is my favorite CD of all time, anyone who says otherwise is obviously mentally deranged."


    Regardless, here's what the LPU9 CD really is: 1.) an insight into our recording process, with some early versions of songs you will recognize, plus 2.) a song you've never heard. The end. Wait until December to find out more..."


    Mike knows LP haters' minds. ;)

    Yeah! Coming soon on December!

  6. 1. Session

    2. Given Up (With Outro)

    3. Pushing Me Away (Piano)-------[Chester takes a rest]

    4. Breaking the Habit (MS Piano Intro)

    5. What I've Done (W/ Intro)

    6. Numb

    7. From the Inside (Extended Intro)

    8. The Little Things Give You Away (Elec. Piano Intro)

    9. No More Sorrow (w/ intro)

    10. Shadow of the Day

    11. Leave Out All the Rest--------[Mike got to make a piano version of this]

    12. HHH acapella

    13. Crawling (Reanimation Intro + HHH 2nd Verse)

    14. Points of Authority (Original Intro + TTG Outro)

    15. In the End

    16. Cure for the Itch-------------------[Hard to miss this one]


    17. New Divide

    18. Bleed it Out


    19. A Place for My Head (Brad's Solo Intro)

    20. Papercut (Mr Hahn scratch intro)

    21. Faint (w. Outro)

    22. One Step Closer



    I doubt if this becomes a new setlist for LP in 2010. :P

    'Robotboy' before second encore? LMAO

  7. As Mike said in making of Meteora, we people only look at the results. Being a musician is stressful. Chester has a lot of points in expressing his soul out, hoping that his past memories will pass and disappear. He doesn't wish his past nightmares to haunt him.


    Saying him or his band EMO is a crime to me. Just say 'Alternative Rock', 'Electronic Rock' or simply 'Rock'.


    Okay, let's say, there are some people who like DBS and some people who hate DBS. So Chester makes the album for the people who LIKE. Those who hate is advised to avoid listening DBS and avoid insulting them. Chazy predicted this will happen. He understood his fans. He is a bit too selfish, that's all.

  8. I like Let Down the best, Fire the second, Too Late the third. It has the best (I think) electronic backgrounds and electric guitars that matched the intensity of the whole song.


    Chester doesn't seem to mind the leak. Imagine! 5 songs freely loose on the Internet, 100% complete.

  9. A Place for my Head (quick electroacoustic guitar strumming intro)

    Don't Stay (Percussion Intro)

    What I've Done (Piano Intro)

    New Divide with a new intro (sample w/ piano intro, piano b4 sample intro or sample intro only)


    That's all I find 'cause the rest are founded.

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