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Posts posted by NoSunToday

  1. Wow, was the HT release so long ago? That's crazy, in a way. Back then I was ten and in primary school... The first song I heard was Crawling and even though I prefered another genre back then, I really liked the energy of this song. I've been a fan since then, but it was later when LP became one of my favorite bands.


    I believe HT was LP's best album so far, followed by Meteora...I love all the "old school" songs and almost went crazy when they started to perform APFMH on stage again.

  2. WTF *lol* Fu is one of the coolest people I have ever met! He seems to be quite shy and not very welcoming at first, but once you broke the ice, he is in fact very talkative and friendly, and has a lot of inspiring things to say! For example I didn't know he was THAT interested in psychology, so he had a long talk with one of my friends about it. But yeah, at first he is maybe a bit too shy and introverted (he doesn't like being in the spotlight anyway and would rather like to remain unknown) but if you get to know him, he's such a cool and warm person!

    Yeah, I totally agree with you! When we met them in Hamburg, he was quite welcoming to us. He didn't say too much, but he was very friendly.


    Maybe he just got up on the wrong side of the bed when you guys met him?

  3. And another one... You have hearing issues if you think dbs or julien k is anywhere near as good as lp.


    and you have knowledge issues if you don't know taste of music diverses...


    If someone is more into electronic music, he would probably think Julien-K is way better than LP!


    (from my point, Chester is a better singer than Ryan is, but all the Julien-K guys are better musicians than the LP guys...well, Mike's an exception though I don't like his style)

  4. You were just a minute faster than me :P


    Great news ;)


    Edit: where did you get the information on how many records you need to sell to get into the German album top10? 1000 copies are nothing...That's almost what most underground bands can reach and they don't make it into the top 50...

  5. DBS's new single Let Down will be played on the radio from October 23rd on.

    I think that's a really short notice, but that's what we are used to when it comes to DBS... So, will we have the video soon?


    The source also said OOA made number 5 in the physical album charts and number 2 on the digital ones.


    Well done, lads!!



  6. Btw, does anybody have scans of the accompanying Revolver interview?

    The interview will be in the december issue of that mag. I guess I will purchase this one. I can send you the scans as soon as the issue is out :)

  7. The trial code from SFTU doesn't allow you to be in a M&G, some people already tried that


    What about the Online Only Pass? I'm pretty sure I remember it including the meet and greet in the past, but I didn't know if things changed. Want to increase my luck as much as possible...


    I know there was a girl who got the LPU DBS tickets in Hamburg, and she only had this trial code. So, I think there's a chance to get the m&g as well.

  8. yeah dressing like they do is seriously stupid and makes them look weird...

    Well, everyone has got him or her style of dressing, right? Other people like the way the guys dress... Black is the "color" to wear when you're fashionable. Black is not only for emos or something alike.

    Look at LP a few years back. You can't say they dressed really well back then...Their look war horrible!

  9. I never intended to post something on this topic because of the entire fucked up emo thing I can't stand. You can either refer to the term "emotional" or to the lifestyle. I don't have anything against both. Each to his own.


    But I'd like to say something to this sellout thing. I remember Ryan Shuck writing a post on the JK board, in which he said that we JK fans should better hope that DBS is going to be successful, because then they would have the money to keep touring with JK.

    Or something alike he said. So, it actually IS about the money. And don't tell me now that the JK guys would need it...

  10. If they cancelled then released a statement with their reasoning, they would've been looked at as heroes.

    Nope, they would not be seen as heroes... Okay, maybe by rock-music fans or real LP,DBS, JK (etc) fans. Other people don't care whether there is a playback or not. Other people even don't care if the pop-band they would die for only does playback performances. They only want good music, music where everything is in tune; and most music acts can only achieve this with performing with a playback.

    Otherwise there wouldn't be so many acts in the mainstream charts....That's what I see everyday...Too many people would never be able to distinguish between a live and a playback performance!


    I, and I guess mostly all of us, would have preferred a live version of the song, and most of us (including myself!) would have been grateful if they didn't go on stage to perform with a backing track or messed the show up like the Muse did. But that's not how the music industry works...unfortunately...

  11. I wouldn't blame them for performing that song there half-playbacked.

    I mean, there were 45000 people in the arena, more than 5million watched the show. It would habe been very stupid not to play this show after getting to know that there will be a playback. How would it have looked like if they hadn't been on stage after all? That's promotion and that's how the music business works. I don't like bands doing that, but at least the vocals were not playbacked.

    Furthermore, there were people only because of dbs (including me) and we would have been very disappointed (well, I was due to the playback, but okay...) I also guess not all of them realized what happened yesterday as the guys were better in acting than "Pur", it just looked more than funny.


    Oh, and one last thing: You won't cancel a show hosted by Stefan Raab in Germany...He's just too famous. I already gave the numbers. I believe it's an honor for music acts to be chosen to perform there. CBI even was the title song they always played in ads for the show. You cannot do better promotion...


    edit: I forgot: It would have been really expensive for dbs to come there and say: nope, we won't play...

  12. I just came back from the event and I guess their amp's couldn't make a good sound for this huge arena. I just saw the guys didn't even have their pedals and noone tuned the guitars on stage. They just checked the microphone.

    The other acts had instrumentals as well, therefore I think it wasn't their decision.

    ah, and I don't know how the tv recording is yet, but the vocals were awful in the arena. Ryans background vox was way too loud... I'll watch what you saw tomorrow... Going to bed now, as it's 1.45 AM in Germany right now.


    I think I could have found a better way to spend my money...

  13. Haha, no, he was just sleep-deprived and jetlagged as hell!


    And I didn't hear him fucking up anything. I'd say it or agree with you if there was something wrong in my ears, but I thought the background vocals were really great - except for the fact that one could barely hear him singing at times! The microphone should have been tuned louder!


    Totally agree! I even think the backing vocals were better than with LP last time! And he has really improved from the beginning of JK up to now!


    And yeah, Ryan was tired as hell, so I'd not blame him for fucking something up...if he really did so...

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