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Posts posted by samuelguk718

  1. i think the band's show after 2007 doesn't worth collecting, because all of them is nearly exactly the same. :(

    i said they are exactly the same because

    1. the setlist

    for example, nearly all the shows in 2009 shares the same setlist like they were made by the same mold. :angry:

    2.their conversation on stage

    i dont know why since 2007, the band (mike & chester) have nearly no conversation (to both the crowd and each other) throughout the whole show comparing with previous shows.

    sometimes, even if they have, the speech is nearly exactly the same comparing with other shows in the same period :( , like mike often said 'who support linkin park since hybrid theory/meteora/MtM?' in the intro of papercut of 2008 shows.

    i think these make the live shows lose their meaning. :(

    by the way, i dont like the mixing of the DSPs, because the volume of Pheonix and Brad's part is too low.

    i have also seen that chester sings less energetic comparing with the previous shows in 00-06 as his voice is less 'distorted' :( .

    therefore, my favourite show is live in texas though it is not a DSP :lol:

    however, i still collect few of the DSPs because i found they have things special. theseare the shows ive collected

    stuttgart 2009

    hong kong 2007

    london 2008 28/1

    mansfield 2008

    macau 2009

    milton keynes 2008

    the most remarkable show ive collected is the 2008 Oklahoma. though it is the WORST show i have ever seen due to the sickness of chester. chester still sing along till the show is finished in spite of his sickness, i really admire him ;) . thats why i collect this show

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