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Posts posted by lperocker

  1. Just watched the performance, definitely not as bad as Hahninator and others are making it out to be.


    It wasn't amazing, but seeing as this is the first performance for a huge audience after over a year, this was fine.


    I actually really liked it because of Mike's singing without effects during the lift me up/let me go part. He sounded really great. Gives me confidence for the rest of the ATS songs live when Mike has to sing.

    It was amazing when I was there...lol

  2. Sweet. Take any pics? They've done 3 songs so far today too. Glad you had a blast. Meet any of the band? How'd you go to the rehearsal?


    I saw a pic of the stage from Adam, it looks sweet.

    Naw they were very strict with cams and stuff. Yeah we met Phoenix, Mike, Chester (he was hilarious and very cool) and Joe. If anyone cares to know Mike drove in, in a Range Rover, Phoenix was driving a bad ass audi SUV, and Brad was driving a black Prius. HA..I know theres people out there who wonder these things..


    My friend works for 1iota and he told me to sign up and I did and I got selected! I was one of the people running.lol We did 3 shots and that was it. The band was interviewed right by us to but everyone had to keep it cool. No one was really bothering the band. When we were leaving I was walking and walked right by Brads car and Mike was bent down talking to him through the window. Laughing and talking about the performance and Brad wearing his hoodie. Then Phoenix and his wife and 2 daughters walked out to their car and we were near and we all just started clapping and he said, "thanks..see you tomorrow guys."


    It was a lot of fun and an awesome experience. Rob was the only quiet one who didnt really acknowledged the fans. He was with his girlfriend though... They got there...performed and left right away. The only ones who signed stuff was Mike, Chester, and Phoenix. I think the coolest ones were Chester and Phoenix.

  3. IMO it sounded like Mike and Chester both had an effect added in, it definitely didn't sound like them alone.


    I couldn't hear it as much near the end, but in the beginning something sounded askew.

    They did have the effect on their vocals..all i can say is it sounded awesome in person!

  4. Chester was terrible. As rough as it gets. lol @ everyone saying it was so epicly amazingly awesome. what the heck. No way, not even close O_o

    I was there for the rehearsal last night..and he was awesome! They all sounded great!

  5. Mark, I was at the LP rehearsal last night at the observatory! There were about 60 of us there and we saw them rehearse the catalyst 3 times....We saw LP arrive in their cars with their families and stuff. It was pretty awesome! Unfortunately, I couldn't go tonight but im sure it was way more special yesterday as there will be 1300 people today and there were 60 of us that were part of the crowd.


    hey wil have a helicopter for an areial view! There is tons of lights and screens! The stage set up is pretty fucking cool...its broken up into stage/boxes where each band member (with the exception of mike and chester) has their own and the crowd or spectators I should say...will be filling in the gaps in between each stage/box. Brad is on the left, then joe behind him, mike and chester in the middle, rob behind them, and phoenix on the right. There was lots of smoke and cameras everywhere.

  6. Nope, I'm not gonna do it. I've already heard all of "The Catalyst", "Wretches And Kings", and "Waiting For The End", plus the 30 second snippets of each song. So, I'm not gonna ruin it for myself like everyone else is doing right now. Have fun not having any surprises by the time you guys receive the actual CD, eager McBeavers.

    ROFL....funniest shit ive heard all day!

  7. Major disappointment for me. I don't hate it, but not great in my opinion. Can people stop saying its "epic"...please. It's not.













  8. LOL. Trust me, I have never once complained about this album or song. I have defended the living shit out of both of them. But this honestly sounds like Mike just messing around with Pro Tools. It's disconnected, very repetitive, and sounds like the majority of the remixes that were made for it. THAT SAID, this is just a edited version of it. Hopefully a VERY edited version of it. The ending is insanely epic, I love that. I still have high hopes for the full song.

    Indeed! I say its mature because LP in 2003 and before couldnt have done this. With that being said, where my f!@#ing MP3!?

  9. kinda unrelated but its about the catalyst


    LP posted something on their twitter just a few mins ago about getting the catalyst early go look!

    I pre-ordered and Im wondering when we will be able to download the single. Im wondering if they will send a download link....

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