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Posts posted by lperocker

  1. Can you tell us when/where the rehearsal is when you find out? :)

    I am more then sure that the rehearsal will be at Third Encore Studios in Los Angeles, CA.


    Here is there site and a quote from Chester.




    "I can't possibly describe how valuable Third Encore has been to Linkin Park. We've rehearsed there for many years. The staff and state-of-the-art rehearsal spaces make preparing for tour as close to the real thing as possible."


    Chester Bennington

    Linkin Park

  2. My Girlfriend got in as 20 I was up since 6 am trying, so I am super excited and will let you know how it goes!!! I am happy cause I couldn't really afford $250 to see this year show, so I am so thankful!!

    Very nice! Congrats man! Id give my left nut for tickets. I'm sure the show will be dope but what I really want to attend is the dress rehearsal. How many tickets did you get?


    apparently, all tickets have been given out. Weak juice!


    If anyone from here won, I would be glad to purchase one of your tickets to the rehearsal. I dont care to much for the actual show, I just want to go to the rehearsal.

  3. Doesn't sound very legit to me, it's too clear and usually you would hear a magnificent part of the song.


    That snippet has Mike Shinoda written all over it. Plus WMG has been taking down that same snippet on youtube so it has to be legit. Why would they remove a fake snippet? Doesnt make sense...


    And No you wouldnt hear a magnificent part! Do you not remember when they released snippets of the catalyst or even what ive done? For what Ive done the first snippet was just piano with no "magnificent part" so not sure where you are basing that bold assumption on...

  4. this is the snippet!!!!!!!!!







    WMG might take it down listen quick


    this is the snippet!!!!!!!!!







    WMG might take it down listen quick




    Wait a sec...did i just quote myself?


    I didnt upload it but its the one I have. If this one gets taken down my WMG then its legit

  5. seriously, leave her alone. she could just have kept the cd all for herself and you would know nothing. grow up.


    Oh and the way you insult her is just really childish and immature. your comments are the ones that are meaningless.

    That would have been better actually instead of teasing all of us!

  6. I'm glad I'm not sharing it with people like you. Why should you expect me to leak it? Fucking appreciate the updates you're given and stop bitching. You bitch about everything it has seriously become a joke now.

    You are the one acting like a little douche! Oh, I am not going to share it....I have the power cause nobody has it and I do. In a few hours everyone will have it and you having the album wont matter to anyone. Its a fucking cd not some classified information that cant be shared.



    You reviews are meaningless by the way. Not everyone thinks the way you do so fuck your reviews!



    uh....just kidding....?

  7. T

    Mike Shinoda = God


    Agree with Mike, Linkin Park is Linkin Park, Genre Linkin Park.



    Another sign that Mike is human... Looks angry.

    I hope you didn't mean it when you said mike is god!!

    Comments like that disgust me! I don't understand why fans of musicians glorify and idiolize them as if they were god! That comment is a little scary because it sounds as if you are obsessed. I'm not trying to be a dick but just expressing my feelings!

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