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Everything posted by LPAAltwireDerek

  1. IWillWalkAway, credit is due where credit is due. It was Lost.
  2. More resolution lyrics for you guys, since you were super supportive of the article: It's not an illusion / not seeing double My mistakes shouldn't have passed into today's new trouble What I knew got lost in the shuffle / and I cant go digging in yesterday's rubble
  3. I think there are many more demos than we know/believe exist. We got five previously unheard songs, and even with all the demos included on the disc, there are still versions of songs that we haven't heard in full yet. Just off the top of my head - "Just drag it out! Remember!" version of A.06 - "I can't stand to fake this!" version of Figure 09 - Sung verses version of Figure 09 - Faint when it was 70bpm [if that still exists] - "Thoughts that take away my pride" Lost demo - Whatever the hell Serpent and Nocturnal are - Grecian - Reggae style Don't Stay - Any of the apparently "terrible" demos from the Jeff Blue tapes And that's obviously like only 10% of what is probably listed on Linkinpedia. And that's just the stuff we know about. Guarantee you; there are songs the band has written that we have no clue they even made. As for whether or not we'll ever get them or an LPU CD will ever happen again, I agree with you that the odds aren't great. I think the eras of LPU CDs are gone. Sadly.
  4. Yeah, Massive is VERY good supporting evidence for LP continuing with Mike. And this was before he got better at singing etc. He'd only sound better now.
  5. I'm glad that SiriusXM is slowly premiering the Lost Demos. Now people can discuss each track freely :).
  6. This. People act like Linkin Park has never made two songs that sound extremely similar to each other before. 😂 We didn't get "Lost" on Meteora because the band themselves said it felt like Numb. Fighting Myself resembles Papercut. Hit The Floor can even be mashed up with Papercut. There was even an article around 2007 that said, "All Linkin Park songs look the same," and showcased that the waveforms/dynamics in their songs were pretty much the same in songs across three albums. Please understand that I don't think they all sound the same across the board, as the band is certainly very creative and original. It's just they clearly had a toolbox they tapped into during those eras that led to many of their songs from that period being very similar.
  7. Well said. Couldn't agree more.
  8. This. Meteora was, in many spots, a copy and paste of Hybrid Theory. This is proven by how easily Fighting Myself's vocals fit over the Papercut instrumental. Unfortunately, they fit a little TOO perfectly. And this can be done with other songs too. It's not meant to impugn the album. There are some absolute classics on there. But to see ATS and somehow say Meteora is inferior compared to it? That's a pretty lousy take, lol. It's OK to prefer Meteora over ATS, but from a technical and songwriting standpoint (if we compare them that way), ATS wipes the floor with it.
  9. He's not the only one who wants it, though. Yes it's a joke song, but it's one of their funniest, and if it exists in recorded form it would be great to have. Points for saying ATS is one of their good records though, ATS = God Tier.
  10. No singing at all I'm afraid.
  11. Let me add some things to your above list. A6 (Meteora|20 Demo) - Virtually identical instrumentally to the LPU9 long version. Just a little rawer/less refined, and with a high-pitched bell like synth in the instrumental choruses and outro that doesn't exist at all in any other version. Cuidado - Instrunental, but missing the carnival-like sample from the final. Does contain a sample in the choruses that doesn't exist in the final. Husky - Instrumental super similar to final, but again, less refined. Interrogation - Lots more reverb, and atmosphere. Strings buried deep in mix of chorus, and the bridge has piano. Faint (Meteora|20 Demo) - Uses a very similar extended intro to what was found in the LPU9 acetate version. Fun extended outro with powerchords and scratching. Plaster 2 / Plaster II - No sung vocals from Chester at all. Just rap from Mike. Different lyrics than the LPU9 demo. Bridge has a distorted riff that makes me think of Staind. Shifter - Rap vocals in verses, singing by Mike in choruses. Lyrics 110% different than From The Inside. Imagery of water, golden colors of dawn, etc.
  12. I just can't hear it. To me, Lost and Resolution/TWS couldn't be any farther apart in their instrumental.
  13. I'm not the world’s biggest fan of meteora myself (ATS is my favorite), but Christ you come off as an incredibly miserable person. Lighten up.
  14. Very tough. I really do like Mike’s raps in Resolution. Massive is fun just because how unique it is vs other Meteora songs of the era. Like the guitars are PURE Meteora and instantly recognizable as Linkin Park but the vocals and melodies are certainly different than what we are used to. A.06 is very similar instrumentally but it does have a bell like synth in the chorus that neither previous version had. And unsure about the second question. To me, instrumentally, I just hear Wizard Song whenever I hear it and I can’t look past that haha.
  15. Sorry if it seemed like I was being mean. I feel bad in hindsight. Didn’t mean to be insulting towards you if it came off that way. I’m just so used to battling disinformation that sometimes I may come off a little snarky in response. I would love to know which demo or bside was your favorite. Do you have a favorite?
  16. Resolution is actually really fun because it’s a different kind of rap for Mike that we don’t hear much. Kinda reminded me of old school pre Hybrid Theory Mike in his delivery. If it was more finished of a song and had a chorus it would probably be one of my favorites on the CD. That’s why I said it was such a pity they didn’t advance the demo further in my review. I really like what exists.
  17. Okay I’m not completely crazy then. Thank you for that haha. I hope we hear this one day. Okay I will agree that out of all the “new songs” we’ve never heard before (not including the demos) that Massive probably is the roughest sounding. Don’t get me wrong, it’s wonderful. But it probably would’ve benefitted from a new mix. I’m fucking dead 💀
  18. Massive sounding like Carousel is probably the worst take I’ve heard yet lol. They’re not even close. Firstly, there’s no rap from Mike at all. No aggressive vocals from Chester. If anything it sounds a lot more like TRUSTcompany style rock (except with no screaming) than Carousel. Is this from the same guy who didn’t recognize the wizard song? I seem to remember an interview where they said they reworked And One for Meteora but for the life of me I can’t find the interview ANYWHERE. I sometimes wonder if I was dreaming it.
  19. Nope, my preview was limited to the Lost Demos only, which is okay. I'd prefer to have some stuff that's a surprise. Also, I feel people need to remind themselves that the 2002 Mix will not be a radically different version of the song. It's just going to be Lost with Andy Wallace-style mixing. Brad said the original mix didn't hit as hard as Manny's. Considering Mike forgets demo dates on LPU, that's a tall order. Just kidding Mike. Much love.
  20. Based on some claims from a recent listening party, it's rumored that two songs that "didn't make the cut" for Lost Demos were played as a bonus. A BTH demo with Chester vocals and an instrumental Don't Stay demo (possibly the reggae-esque Don't Stay)? Still very curious about what Serpent and Nocturnal became or if they are totally new songs.
  21. Nope. Not sure which song this is, but it's definitely not Wesside.
  22. Just to temper expectations, it's "The Wizard Song" in the sense that the song has the exact instrumental from TWS. It's legit 100% the same, save for some piano parts we didn't hear before. But it doesn't have The Wizard Song lyrics. No fables about fairytale paths, aluminum fashion, and sending power through eyeballs I'm afraid. Mike's raps on it are still fun as fuck though.
  23. I have different schools of thought on this. They *could* be saving it for LPU or something in the future, or they may have no idea where the versions with Chester are located or forgot about them. Case in point: Mike didn't even remember that they recorded chorus vocals with Chester for "Fighting Myself." Brad completely forgot that "Lost" existed. The band makes hundreds of demos for each cycle and often does nothing with the scrapped tracks after the cycle is done. Some have appeared on LPU CDs, but I guarantee there are dozens of semi-finished tracks featuring unused Chester vocals, and unused Mike vocals, just waiting on a hard drive somewhere. There's also the scary possibility that they are "gone" (hard drive failure, deleted, etc), although the deleted possibility is far less likely, considering Mike had "pods" from the Xero days. This. They're probably still part of the session file, but the band probably doesn't remember them because they were so early. The band sometimes underestimates how crazy some fans can be with details. I don't think they ever imagined we'd analyze clips decades later. Hell, the band was SO confused when I recently asked about "Thoughts" during the Q&A. They spent five minutes trying to figure it out before someone went on YouTube, and Mike was like, "OH!" haha.
  24. Nope! Completely different. Sadly, the "I can't stand to fake this" demo is still out there. I was hoping this would be it. I've been waiting for that demo for over 20 years, haha. This, the "just drag it out" version of A6, and the "thoughts that take away my pride" version of Lost are still hiding.
  25. It does have lyrics and vocals, it's just replaced with a 'serious' rap from Mike instead of the Wizard Song lyrics. No Chester however. Because The Wizard Song is the shit. Don't hate on The Wizard Song bro. Resolution isn't a full song in the sense of it being "finished". It has two verses by Mike, but no bridge or chorus vocals. There are some parts of the instrumental that we didn't hear in the original Wizard Song clip, but the entirety of the instrumental that we DID hear is indeed in Resolution. This is legitimately the same beat. Jury is out on that one. When I first listened to Massive I thought it was both Chester and Mike singing. I'm now almost convinced it's entirely Mike.
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