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Posts posted by LinkinParkHotspur

  1. Well, thus far, I've managed to resist listening to One More Light. I have no plans to listen to it or any other songs that get released before May 19. I've heard the other 5 though that have been played/released so I will rank those:


    1. Talking To Myself

    2. Good Goodbye

    3. Invincible (it's been growing on me lately and may overtake GG for the #2 spot)

    4. Heavy

    5. Battle Symphony


    I'm guessing this order will probably change for me so this is just for now. I won't even bother giving numerical scores for these since I know the scores/ranking will change for me when I hear the studio versions of TTM and hear all the songs more and in the context of the album.

  2. Luna is fucking undoubtedly the best song from LP since 2010. No wonder, it's from the ATS sessions.

    It seems that this version is the "finished, mixed" one, I liked the trailer version way better, it sounded more raw.

    Buttermilk is also on the LPTV, much more drawn out than the Stagelight sample I heard in Mall.

    Besides the fact that I disagree with all aspects of your opinion, the bigger point is this. I'm 90% sure that you're wrong about Luna being from the ATS era/sessions. I'm pretty sure Ammosick is the only song on the Mall OST that is from the ATS era (and only partly because it originated from M2M). The LPAssociation Wiki pretty much confirms that if you look at the articles for the Mall OST and for Luna and Ammosick. Says Luna is Living Things era.


    Anyway, Luna's good. But I absolutely love the version/part that's played in the very beginning of this LPTV episode. Just sounds much more like them. More dark and less poppy because the vocal/notes are more contained. I like it better than the version/part in the trailer which is also played towards the end of this LPTV episode. I guess Astat is right and it's probably just two parts of the same vocal take which means he just sings it a bit differently at the start of the song.


    In any case, I can think of 5 or 10 songs on the last two albums that are probably better than Luna, at least to me. I'd like to hear Luna released in it's entirety though, with all the parts, bridging together the part at the beginning of this lptv episode and the part played towards the end of the episode.

  3. Something I noticed for the very first time, since the music video has the song including the outro, and the topic of the song and video is death, that the baby cry at the very end means that the life cycle repeats. Never saw it that way before.


    I think the video is nice, not super awesome but good enough, better than a random video without the band.



    Exactly.After watching that lyric video i thought it's about love and similar topics.but after watching this music video I found out what's band mean about this song.Really like this video.better all of LT crap videos.even better COG video for me.


    I think your interpretations are correct but I also think there are other correct interpretations about this song and video. I also viewed the baby crying in the same way after seeing the video. But based on the lyrics, the lyric video, and this video...I think the song can also be (and is) about losing someone from a relationship ending (friendship, romantic relationship, etc). And not just ending in the physical way of death but also from people deciding to go their separate ways, etc.


    In addition to the scenes that show loved ones passing away, people grieving, etc, there are also some other scenes that give credence to this different interpretation. At 29 seconds, there's a woman shown who is shown a few different times in the video. She looks different than the one who is crying at 3:30 over the loss of her loved one. The same woman is again shown at 49 seconds, sleeping, alone in her bed. Just a few seconds later, a guy is shown with a phone (maybe trying to contact the woman?) and then another guy is shown at 1:26 and 1:35. I think one of these two guys is supposed to be in a romantic relationship (or was) with the woman. The way that the lyrics match up with the scenes in the video make me believe this even more. Right after Chester says "But something made me realize that I was wrong", it basically shows the guy looking down, as if he just came to a difficult realization. And then right after that, during the part that says "Finding what you got sometimes, means finding it alone", the woman is shown in bed and she's waking up, as if she's realizing that she's alone and her partner has left her. At least that's how I see it. It's like she's bewildered and like "Wtf". Again, she was shown sleeping earlier in the video. So I think if you connect the dots, it's possible that her partner walked out on her while she was sleeping. She's waking up to find out that she's now alone.


    So the lyric video and this video show two of the different (equally correct) interpretations or themes of the song. The lyric video is clearly about a relationship. And then in this video, two different stories (at least). You have the older woman crying over the loss of her loved one (death) and you also have the younger woman waking up and realizing that her partner has left her (they've gone their separate ways). So two different contexts, leading to the same conclusion: You don't know what you've got, until it's gone.

  4. Just realized the guitar riff during the intro, outro, and transition into the 2nd verse kind of reminds me of Given Up just a tiny bit. I thought I remember someone who attended the listening party saying that they felt the album was full of Given Up's...though I'm not sure if they felt that way about this song. I'm not sure the song as a whole reminds me of Given Up...just some of the guitar parts a bit.


    Edit: Ok, I just realized some of the guitar parts also remind me of Victimized haha. Or maybe it was Victimized that I was thinking of and not Given Up. It's definitely one or both.

  5. Good song. For me, choosing between Wastelands, UIG, and GATS is basically splitting hairs. They're all good songs but not great songs in my opinion. And that's because they all lack something in the chorus (especially UIG but Wastelands does also as far as originality goes...and maybe so does GATS) or on the verses (Not Wastelands though. Wastelands probably has the best verses out of the 3 songs). I'd give GATS an 8/10, UIG an 8 or 8.5/10, and Wastelands probably an 8/10.


    In any case, I can't wait to hear some of the other songs that I think will be more complete and just better written, especially on the choruses. Again, the three songs so far are good. I'm just expecting there to be at least 2 or 3 tracks that will be better than what we've heard so far. I feel like A Line in the Sand will be one of them.

  6. Yup, good news. This is going to be the last song I listen to before I buy the album in the store on 6/17. I decided I was only going to listen to 3 tracks on the album total (before it releases) after we found out that The Summoning and Drawbar were both interludes/instrumentals.


    I think between UIG, GATS, and Wastelands...I'll be able to make it.

  7. So it sounds like the Darien show isn't as close to selling out as the Woodlands one?


    I wonder how long it will take for the Darien summit passes to sell out...?


    Hopefully the price increase for the passes will make it take longer for them to sell out, which will give some of us a better chance of grabbing one.

  8. I used to think that "best album" and "favorite album" were basically the same thing. Most of the time, I would say that most people's favorite album is also the one they think is the best. I guess it's not always like that though, depending on how you determine what makes something "best".


    Anyway, since this question is asking what my favorite album is and not what I think the best is...I'm going with...Minutes to Midnight. At this current point in time, MTM is probably my favorite album from them. And it may remain that way for a long time.

  9. Awwww, poor LTGYA. Just got dethroned as the longest LP song. Oh well, I hope A Line In The Sand will be just as good. Anyway, these are some cool track lengths. I know it's not good to make assumptions of what songs are just based on track lengths so I'll just call this a guess. I think the only instrumental/interlude on this album will be The Summoning. And I say at MOST, there could be 2. Personally, I'm happy about that. War and Drawbar are the two shortest tracks after The Summoning and both of them are still longer than the longest interlude on ATS. Also, War comes right after The Summoning which is likely to be an instrumental/interlude itself and so I don't find it likely that War is also one. So for me, the only track besides the Summoning that could be one is Drawbar. And Drawbar would probably be an instrumental based on it's length.


    Anyway, I'm impressed with the overall length they managed to compile here. Not to diss ATS (I know that's a cardinal sin on another website), but ATS managed to be the longest album partly because of 6 interludes (half of which just repeated lyrics/words found elsewhere on the album). So yea, I'm more impressed with the overall track length of THP than ATS.

  10. I'll stand in the minority and say I like this song more than GATS, just barely.

    I'm also with you on that one I think. And I'm not surprised at all since I'm usually in the minority, especially with the singles. I think I like it more than GATS, just barely. I'll probably post a more extensive review/post on it once I listen to it for another day or two. I need to absorb this song for another day or so before I really get a feel for where it stands. Both lyrically and instrumentally.

  11. Ok, that was a cool little clip. I'm now done though with listening to any more snippets. I'm waiting until the full song comes out and in decent audio quality. Which...is fine...because with about 24 hours to go...I doubt any other little snippets will come out.


    Most people will be too busy jerking it to Chester's screams to care or notice that the guitars seem a bit drowned out and mixed well below the electronics. They almost seem muffled or something. It's a bit bothersome for me but I'm not going to start a bitchfest over a 15 second snippet. And who knows if what we hear tomorrow will sound like this snippet in terms of the quality and mix. That's why I'm going to just forget I heard this, even though it sounds like the song itself is going to rock!

  12. This guy or girl on Twitter NeoRock tweet to LPLive:




    He said to me that his source is top secret.



    I'll hope he's wrong. That's a bit longer of a wait than I would have thought but still not horrible. That would put the release date about a month before the album comes out which is sensible from a timing standpoint. If that date holds true, hopefully they'll be a 30 second clip or something between now and then. Man, the hype. It might be a bit harder to wait till 5/13 after all the speculation about it coming out yesterday, this week, etc.

  13. Yea...clicking on that "Listen Now" button just plays a random song either from Linkin Park or another related/similar band. Doesn't actually play UIG...


    I'm sure everyone has already seen this but...... https://twitter.com/lVathan_/status/460616205314048002


    He said in his other post that it would either come out Sunday night or Monday night. So I'm sure he'd probably tell you now that it's likely coming out tonight. Whatever. It's likely going to come out sometime this week and that's good enough for me.

  14. First off, awesome art for the single. That's kick ass.


    Secondly, awesome that it seems we're going to have two singles before the album comes out. That's never happened before so...wow. I bet it comes out tomorrow midnight or around that time like the website says. In 4 hours and some change, it will be 50 days until THP comes out, according to the clock on the LPA website. Maybe they were planning on releasing a song at the 50 day mark.

  15. It's interesting, because on the board with the names of songs, Drawbar was in parenthesis with Final Masquerade. I think that Drawbar is an interlude to Final Masquerade - something like Tinfoil/Powerless.

    I wouldn't be surprised at all if you're right about this. For some reason, Drawbar doesn't sound like a track title for a normal song with lyrics. It almost sounds like a title for a demo. Like something that would be on an LPU CD. I definitely think there's a strong possibility that it's an instrumental.


    Man, can't believe there's another collab though. I thought 3 would be it. But Tom Tom Morello should be awesome. I love Audioslave/Chris Cornell/Soundgarden. Anyway, this tracklisting doesn't sound so bad, at least as far as the names go. I'm pretty happy that "The Hunt" didn't end up being a real song title. That would have been an embarrassingly bad title for a track, even by LP naming standards.

  16. Honestly, I'm not that disappointed that it's a fake tracklisting. It wouldn't have been their worst collection of names but it certainly wouldn't have been their best. Some of the names were believable though. And some of them were believably bad like Warrior and The Hunt. It's funny because I wouldn't be surprised if the real album had worse song names. I actually thought Viserion was a really kick ass song title though. Oh well.

  17. After listening 10 times or so, with and without headphones, I think it's ok. Not bad. Not amazing. Just ok. As of now, I'd score it a 7.5/10. It's obviously going to get high praise online though for it being heavier than most of their more recent material.


    Can't fault them for not trying new things. 1min30sec intro (longest ever?). Vocals from another artist. Damn bold.


    The song is actually not as heavy as I thought it would be. I agree with people describing it as aggressive and in your face rather than heavy. And this song is going to be amazing live (think about the moshes).


    I've always liked the lead singles more than most. I thought WID was one of the best songs on M2M. I thought The Catalyst was one of the better songs on ATS. And yes, I even thought BID was one of the better songs on LT. For me, this is the first time in a while where I don't think the lead single will be among the best songs.


    Frankly, the song just sounds bland at certain parts for a single. And a bit too similar to other songs I've heard from other bands in the same/similar genre.


    I understand Rakim is viewed as a legend. But someday, I think Mike will be also. I believe Mike could have delivered something as good or better during his part. Instead of Rakim's part, I would have loved to hear a 30 second rapping bridge by Mike and then a 30 second solo by Brad. Yes, the standout parts by Brad on the outro are awesome (albeit a bit similar to some of his recent live outros for Faint, etc), but I believe he could have cooked up something even better during Rakim's part (a la In Pieces).


    The real positive that I take away from this song is what it potentially means for the album. LT started to bring back the energy and more prominent guitar parts into the mix that weren't really there on ATS. GATS continues that trend. The rawness in production is closer to M2M. That's exciting. I've been waiting a long time to hear Brad do what I thought he would do after M2M which is take his guitar playing to another level. Based on GATS, sounds like that's still a possibility. So from an instrumental standpoint, I love GATS. I just think from a songwriting/melodic perspective, there will be better songs on this album.


    It turns out Mike wasn't just blowing smoke. He's serious about wanting to revive Rock music in a down time. I hope the band pulls it off in a way that only they can do.


    Lastly, if this song is indeed an indication of the direction of the album, I expect to see some ex fans or old fair-weather fans who haven't been paying attention for the last few albums popping up again.

  18. It sounds cool. Not gonna feel one way or the other though (about the direction of the album or this song) just based on a snippet. Been there and done that and ended up feeling stupid.


    Seems like something big is going to be announced soon but who knows if this snippet (most likely called "The Hunting Party") is the single or if it might not even be from a song on the album.


    The timing of all these things (website changing, song preview, BMI database changing) is exciting though. Before now, I kinda felt like the album would drop in August. Now, I'm kind of feeling like it's going to be June or July.

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