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Everything posted by ravrule52

  1. dude, if you're that obsessed with getting new music from lp then you need to just calm down. i mean it would be so awesome if we did get new music from lp, but i think it's pretty funny that they did this. just don't get to the point of calling mike shinoda a liar. that just pisses me off. mike said it would be "something different" and not new LP ALBUM MUSIC. when mike says new unreleased LP album material, i think he means material that they are working on for the ACTUAL new album, not an LPU CD. i don't think that linkin park would ever put something like that on an actual album release (and i think you know what i mean when i say "actual album"). now i will agree with you on one thing, it was kind of weird that it just happened like that. they probably should have warned us about it being a joke album. that might have been a better way of doing it because there were many fans, including me, hoping that it would be new material or b-sides/demos.
  2. why is everybody taking this so seriously? it's a joke! just take a step back and think about it... Would Linkin Park seriously write music like this for a real album? No. they would not. just take a look at the album cover and title. does that really look serious to you? i mean seriously people, can't mike and chester have a sense of humor every once and a while?
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