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  1. Any clue who is playing the keys on We Made It in this rehearsal? Adam Moonroe from Ashes Divide used to play this in PR08
  2. Part 2 released guys!
  3. As far the show notes goes - the entire scream for Given Up was performed and they performed We Made It here as well - I so want to see those now
  4. Any images from the pop-up store? Experience?? Heard Mike's old guitars were on display along with Chester's microphone
  5. Exactly! Personally, OML is an album that came out when I was going through a tough time, add to that Chester's passing after a few months just added up to things. And although I was surprised (note: neither hated nor loved it) hearing OML at first, over the years, I view the album as a different thing altogether - a moment which just paused. The lyrics of the album were absolutely top-notch; musically - It was a different approach THAT'S IT. This wasn't something new that was expected from LP since they have always changed directions with each album. It gets way more hate than it deserves. Furthermore, it does not at all make sense to compare FZ with OML.
  6. I swear!! While listening to the track I had the same thought and lo, he looked at Colin during the live haha
  7. Whoa!! Had no idea about Chester's performance in Noida with STP! Damn that'd have been crazy. Honestly, a large part of the Indian crowd literally grew up listening to LP. For some, it was their first time hearing of an English-speaking rock band. Even the folks who had been listening to acts since 70s-80s they claim LP was such a big boom during 2000s. So if they do end up turning up in India - that would be a HUGE thing. Typically, if it's a multi-city tour then large bands have showed up in the following cities - Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore, Shilong, and Meghalaya. So it'd be pretty wild to see where things goes. Note - Joe visited Delhi and moved around the streets back in 2019 or 2021 or 2022 - don't remember the exact year. On the personal front - sad I won't be there during that time. However, will be seeing them in the Netherlands!
  8. That is correct! I can't post an image - new on this platform. But I have clicked a few. It's in various locations.
  9. Have you guys come across the 'LP' logos on the streets of your city? Here in the Netherlands, found the LP logo and also written: 'Summer of '69-'25'
  10. Love these guys for doing this podcast! Keep it up! One thing that was spoken here and very noticeable is Joe's performances on stage also reflects back to what Mike said about Joe taking the initiative to meet up with the band members and catch up on as good old friends. I think he deserves a lot of credit for being another backbone for this comeback!
  11. I see. Thanks Hope you got your tickets! Peeps from the Ned let's gather round! Would love to catch up!
  12. Mike recently said there is a video of their recording session on Heavy is the Crown....let's hope for that. But yeah it's been a LONG time since we have seen a proper Making of the Album. I think last was Living Things. I am not counting THP and OML clips as proper making video
  13. Anyone having any idea about the front standing GA? Like how is the view, experience and all?
  14. Exactly! At least this gives us a chance to witness them live. Waited 7 years feeling like I will never get to see them ever.
  15. I swear!! Was booking for the Netherlands but sold in minutes (PIT). Got myself a front GA though eventually. What about others? Anyone joining in the Netherlands?
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