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  1. Never knew about that medley, it make sense, thanks for bring that. About "Enth E Nd", the song is listed on the known list here in the site, is that song confirmed to be played or is a guess based on shared info from both Summer Sonic dates? (both dates have the same list, it's not hard to assuming that. The song is also the only one without audiovisual proof based on the cited sources on both pages): https://lplive.net/shows/fortminor/20060812f https://lplive.net/shows/fortminor/20060813f
  2. Hi... i'm sure how start this hehe... Well, I want to make knowledge of something that I found recently, and I think this place is the more proper to bring this. Is about the Summer Sonic Chiba date of Fort Minor. There's a japanese page called LiveFans, that is a Setlist.fm kind of page, where users upload setlists for different shows, exclusive for japanese ones in this case. The thing is that in that page is listed a complete setlist for that show (something missing nowadays). The problem is that we cannot know if was added by a proper attendee of by someone random because was added by what is seems to be a delete account. I'm just want to bring this in the case that nobody here were aware of this, though I don't thing can be use as a source for the setlist of that show (though the way that is written make me thing in a chance, I don't know... though... What the heck is "She Wants to Move"?): https://www.livefans.jp/events/16141 (Honestly, I wasn't expect to be this my first post ever..., I never intended to use the account anyway but hey, there's always a first time 🙃)
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