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Everything posted by RYG4R

  1. Is that the Frank Maddocks design?
  2. holy shit. this is so gooood. thanks mate!
  3. I know some bands do release a greatest hits compilation and include a brand new track recorded specifically for that release. So it's completely new studio recorded track and not taken from any previous recording sessions.
  4. The problem of THP was the execution. Some tracks were repetitive in terms of structure and chord progression. Nothing amazing, nothing mindblowing except for GATS. Rebellion is the highlight of the album. I wish THP delivered more Rebellion-esque songs. Not too aggressive on vocals (except on the bridge) but heavy instrumentation.
  5. I have a Love-Hate relationship with this album.
  6. THP doesn't deserved a spot. That album was whack.
  7. https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theaudiodb.com%2Falbum%2F2280121&psig=AOvVaw29p1kkzpKfcjZbE8up_pSW&ust=1708410380946000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBMQjRxqFwoTCNjjud_itoQDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAo
  8. do you have the OML which combined the three letters. looks like a trophy.
  9. Yes, but before that, there's only one thing you should know.
  10. swap Numb with BIO. perfect closer
  11. What if it's the studio version of 'LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER'?
  12. Just like you, mate. you think you're the famous member in this community. Get some help.
  13. LINKIN PARK Friendly Fire: The Greatest Hits
  14. You tellling me LINKIN PARK would like to go independent route ?? Just like Paramore?
  15. Only BID? what about LITE and COG? It was even weird they made a POWERLESS a single but only international.
  16. ALTNC will be on the collection, for sure. That single was released because LIVING THINGS singles did not lived up to the hype.
  17. THP will turn 10 in few months time. I'm not surprised if WB doesn't promote any THP 10th anniversary merch, materials or demos.
  18. THP has more skips than any LP albums. I'm still upset why WHITE NOISE never made to the cut and songs like Until It's Gone which is the worst song they released made to THP.
  19. His wish came true because it turned out shit. THP was the product of his being too self-centred, too cocky with his creative idea that he's working with stuff in the vein of LT but threw that away because he want to make the most heaviest record to date. Jeez
  20. Nah, THP was half-cooked, ATS-wannabe record and I hate that with passion. The production was terrible, Chester's vocal performance was obnoxious, thin and underdeveloped. ALITS is like a copy&paste of GATS. Rebellion and Drawbar+FM were the only decent songs of that album. It's a shame because I love Rebellion but it's part of the album that I hate and dislike makes me hate Rebellion too. I like Mike's vocal performance on Rebellion but that song should be the main creative direction for that album. THP is on my bottom list of LP discography. The creative direction is bold and edgy but the album sucked so hard.
  21. Nothing from THP? lol That album was a disgrace anyways, so. no need to be acknowledged.
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