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Posts posted by Geki

  1. This is awesome news!!! I was having a shitty day too, but this totally just made it way better. I can't wait for 8.0. My predictions are b-sides and remixes, maybe ONE live song. I feel relieved that the missing MK tracks won't be on the CD now. It's awesome how Mike posts stuff like this on his blog. Good news about Chester too, I hope he gets better quick.

  2. that's a smart investor right there :rolleyes:

    I wouldn't be surprised if he actually does that. It's probably the reason a lot of people didn't get their EP's, he probably ordered like 20 of them and is going to charge them each for like 150. :D

  3. ^lol geki they were about random LIVE facts about LP haha :D

    Damn! I wasn't paying attention.



    -At the Selma, TX show during Projekt Revolution 2007, Chester finally pulled off the full scream during Given Up. He has done it a few more times since then.


    *I'm pretty sure Selma was the first...I seem to remember being very excited when I was at the show that he first pulled it off at.

    He did it at


    - Selma, TX 2007

    - Columbus, OH 2008

    - Montreal, Quebec, Canada 2008

  4. 2008 was another pretty big year for Linkin Park. They kicked off the Minutes To Midnight arena tour in Hannover, Germany on January 16th and premiered some new songs such as Valentine's Day and a short cover of The Cure's 'Just Like Heaven' featuring Mike playing the keyboard and doing vocals. They also brought back A Place For My Head back into the setlist. They played some big venues in Europe such as the London 02 Arena two nights in a row. They then kicked off the American leg of the tour kicking it off in Omaha, NE. They focused on cities that they haven't hit in a while, such as Manchester, NH, Lexington, KY, Sacramento, CA and Nashville, TN. They played in some big venues such as Madison Square Garden in NYC and the Staples Center in LA. They premiered In Between during this tour as well. Unfortunately, Chester got turcheobronchitis in the middle of the American leg and the band was forced to cancel dates in Albuquerque, NM and El Paso, TX, later to make up the date in Albuquerque. After the last date in Sacramento, CA on March 10th, the band took a break until June. Chester peformed at the annual Club Tattoo party, but this time premiering two songs from his Dead By Sunrise project called 'Walking In Circles' and 'My Suffering'. The band also released a single with Busta Rhymes entitled 'We Made It' in May. In June, the band headed for Europe once again for a Summer tour. The band played in a lot of countries that they haven't played in for a while, or haven't played ever. The band played in countries such as Lithuania, Spain, Greece, a make up date in Italy at the Heineken Jammin' Festival, Austria and Ireland for example. Unfortunately, the band was forced to cancel dates in Sweden and Switzerland due to Brad having an ear infection. The band then debuted for the first time, Projekt Revolution in Europe! They played dates in Berlin, Germany, Dusseldorf, Germany and Milton Keynes, GB before ending their European run. The band then took about a week and half off, and then headed for Canada to headline Edgefest with Stone Temple Pilots on July 12 and performed at the festival de Quebec the next day. The band then kicked off Projekt Revolution in the US with Chris Cornell, The Bravery, Busta Rhymes, Ashes divide, The Street Drum Corps., Atreyu, 10 Years, Hawthorne Heights and Armor For Sleep. The tour kicked off in Mansfield, MA on July 16th and ended on July 24th in Woodlands, TX. Chester performed with Chris Cornell every night on the song 'Hunger Strike' as well as Chris returning the favor on 'Crawling'. Chester also performed the song 'The Outsider' with Ashes divide a couple times as well. After Projekt Revolution ended, the band was scheduled to play a show in Las Vegas for the verizon mash-up contest winner, as well as dates in Asia for Music For Relief, but ended up having to cancel the dates because of Chester suffering from a back injury. The band also chose the show from Milton Keynes to be a live CD/DVD which will be released later on this year.

    you forgot a few things:

    1. This isnt 100% neccessary, but the low quality pro-shot that Clark Kent got from the jones beach show by filming the screen should be mentioned.

    2. The secret show in LA where the "fake" setlists said to have come from.

    3. Reading my eyes returning in Europe.

    4. How busta rhymes got kicked out of the tour.

    I think thats everything...

    There...I added all that stuff except for the 1st thing because I didn't find that necessary at all to LP's touring cycle of 2008. A lot of shows have been recorded by fans, what makes the NY so special??

  5. I'm bored


    01. One Step Closer (With gun-shots intro and extended outro)

    02. Lying From You (With new intro)

    03. Somewhere I Belong (No extenders)

    04. Figure.09 (With PR04 outro)

    05. Papercut (With dedicated fans speech intro)

    06. Points Of Authority (Rap intro and outro with TTG verse)

    07. Wake 2.0

    08. Given Up (With extended outro)

    09. From The Inside

    10. Valentine's Day (With extended intro)

    11. No Roads Left

    12. My December (Album version)

    13. Breaking The Habit (No extenders)

    14. What I've Done (With long intro)

    15. Crawling (with reanimation intro)

    16. In The End

    17. Faint (with extended outro)


    18. Qwerty (06 Japan version)

    19. Reading My Eyes


    20. Bleed It Out (All extenders)

  6. Everybody knows these I bet...but


    - Chester used to work at Burger King, and that's where he met his ex-wife Samantha.

    - Chester was too poor to afford a wedding ring at the time so him and his ex-wife got rings tattooed on them

    - Mike and Brad went to Agoura Hills (sp?) High School in LA

    - Brad used to be a bouncer at a club in Hollywood (Idk if he was joking or not, taken from Kevin and Bean's LP breakfast thing)

    - There were about 150 ideas for Minutes To Midnight

  7. I hope that isn't the case for 8.0...I wonder what the 'bonus tracks' will be this time. Probably just rehashed live shit like usual. I can't wait for Joe's remix of Young and the Hopeless though. That's actually one of the few GC songs that I don't mind. Anyways, great post mark.

  8. David Grohl hates LP.

    Why do you think so?

    He's said that in an interview before. Also it's not hard to tell that he's a cocky motherfucker and thinks his band is better than everyone else's.

  9. Awesome dude, i was supposed to go to Bamboozle too but cudnt get tics =(. I saw them in madison sq. garden this febuary, and was also gonna go to holmdel but my friend canceled two fucking days before the show, i was really pissed lol its the last time WMI was played live.

    I actually was going to go to Madison Square Garden but I didn't go, because my girlfriend threatened to break up with me if I went. Long story, but basically she thought since I had already seen LP 4 times at that point and I just saw them in Manchester that I didn't need to go. I would have went if I had known Jay-Z was going to be there...I would have excepted the consequence, but fuck it.

  10. I loved 2007's touring year more than this year's, TBH. PR07 was just incredible, I loved every single band on that tour. I went to the shows in Mansfield, Hartford and Syracuse, all equally great. Well, except for Syracuse since I was sick for some parts of the day and they didn't play Don't Stay or do a drum solo in BIO. 2008 was awesome as well, too, though. I loved the MTM arena tour. I went to the show in Manchester, NH and it was awesome, probably my second favorite show that I've ever been to. It sucked that Chester got sick on this tour though. PR08 was awesome. I went the opening day of the tour in Mansfield and then Hartford, which was like the 4th show of the tour or something. Mansfield was awesome, the weather was sunny and in the 90's all day and every band was awesome. I then found out that my tickets weren't pit tickets after all so I was bummed and I had to watch the band from seats which SUCKED ASS. They still did a great setlist though, I was the first to see Hunger Strike, S.D.C. intro and WMI in front of a real crowd. Hartford was amazing too. We watched most of the Revolution Stage but left during the middle of Atreyu's set so we could be front row for the main stage. All the main stage bands were incredible again except for Ashes Divide which I didn't really love, but they were still really cool. When LP came on and OSC started there was like a wave of the crowd and I got knocked down, it was awesome. Then I actually had to leave due to dehydration... which really sucked. I regret it times like 100000000000 now, but I possibly would have died if I didn't leave. Oh well, there's always the next touring cycle. I was then going to drive up to Ohio with my friend but he basically bailed and we didn't get to go, that sucked worse than anything because I already bought the tickets and everything.

  11. 2008 was another pretty big year for Linkin Park. They kicked off the Minutes To Midnight arena tour in Hannover, Germany on January 16th and premiered some new songs such as Valentine's Day and a short cover of The Cure's 'Just Like Heaven' featuring Mike playing the keyboard and doing vocals. They also brought back A Place For My Head back into the setlist. They played some big venues in Europe such as the London 02 Arena two nights in a row. They then kicked off the American leg of the tour kicking it off in Omaha, NE. They focused on cities that they haven't hit in a while, such as Manchester, NH, Lexington, KY, Sacramento, CA and Nashville, TN. They played in some big venues such as Madison Square Garden in NYC and the Staples Center in LA. They premiered In Between during this tour as well. Unfortunately, Chester got turcheobronchitis in the middle of the American leg and the band was forced to cancel dates in Albuquerque, NM and El Paso, TX, later to make up the date in Albuquerque. After the last date in Sacramento, CA on March 10th, the band took a break until June. Chester peformed at the annual Club Tattoo party, but this time premiering two songs from his Dead By Sunrise project called 'Walking In Circles' and 'My Suffering'. The band also released a single with Busta Rhymes entitled 'We Made It' in May. The band played a secret show in their rehearsal space to about 14 fans. They premiered 'We Made It' and after the show, fake setlists started floating around the internet, rumored from this show. They contained songs like 'No Roads Left' and 'Announcement Service Public', which never turned out to be true. In June, the band headed for Europe once again for a Summer tour. The band played in a lot of countries that they haven't played in for a while, or haven't played ever. The band played in countries such as Lithuania, Spain, Greece, a make up date in Italy at the Heineken Jammin' Festival, Austria and Ireland for example. Unfortunately, the band was forced to cancel dates in Sweden and Switzerland due to Brad having an ear infection. The band also brought back Reading My Eyes at some shows, some of the more noticeable performances are in Lithuania and Germany. The band then debuted for the first time, Projekt Revolution in Europe! They played dates in Berlin, Germany, Dusseldorf, Germany and Milton Keynes, GB before ending their European run. The band then took about a week and half off, and then headed for Canada to headline Edgefest with Stone Temple Pilots on July 12 and performed at the festival de Quebec the next day. The band then kicked off Projekt Revolution in the US with Chris Cornell, The Bravery, Busta Rhymes, Ashes divide, The Street Drum Corps., Atreyu, 10 Years, Hawthorne Heights and Armor For Sleep. The tour kicked off in Mansfield, MA on July 16th and ended the tour on July 24th in Woodlands, TX. Chester performed with Chris Cornell every night on the song 'Hunger Strike' as well as Chris returning the favor on 'Crawling'. Chester also performed the song 'The Outsider' with Ashes divide a couple times as well. Unfortunately, Busta Rhymes was forced to leave the tour because his label dropped him. The last performance of 'We Made It' was in Holmdel, NJ Street Drum Corps. also did a short drum solo every night at the beginning of LP's set, as well as helping out on Bleed It Out. After Projekt Revolution ended, the band was scheduled to play a show in Las Vegas for the verizon mash-up contest winner, as well as dates in Asia for Music For Relief, but ended up having to cancel the dates because of Chester suffering from a back injury. The band is finishing out the year by releasing a new CD/DVD pack of the Milton Keynes show, scheduled for release on November 24th internationally and November 25th in America. The band will start working on and recording the new album in November at the Indigo Ranch Studio's in Malibu, CA.

  12. That's awesome that Pooch, Dylan and the rest of the crew are getting paid. That sucks about Chester, he always gets hurt. {SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif Oh well. Can't wait for the MK DVD and 8.0

  13. I think the next PR will be in 2010. That would be awesome. I can't really predict who will be on the tour, or who I even want really, but I'd like to see Scars On Broadway and Three Days Grace somewhere in the line-up. Also a hip-hop artist, but this time they need to remain on the tour. 2004 PR was great because of Snoop Dogg, and 2007 PR had Styles Of Beyond on it, so that was sick too. On 2008 PR we had Busta Rhymes but he left the tour which sucked because that made it all rock.

  14. Who cares if the piano songs at Edgefest were done because the rest of the band wasn't there? Doesn't take away from the performance at all. They sounded FANTASTIC. Edgefest is probably the best show that I ever went to and I've been to 19 shows. I went to PR08 twice about a week later and both of the shows couldn't even slightly compare with how epic Edgefest was. And Montreal was the best of that winter tour for sure. Canada killed it for shows in 2008. Europe of course had a lot of epic shit in 2008, too. US sucked in 2008.

  15. Happy b-day nkramar! Another thing you forgot to mention Mark was that he recorded the Bamboozle show, which was a huge deal for me since it was my first LP show that I went to.

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