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Posts posted by Gigito1995

  1. 2017 is without a doubt the worst year of my entire life. I spent a month and half in bed because I kept getting sick. I was getting ignored by everybody and I kept checking my messages just to end up being disappointed in all the people I once loved and cared about. Being sick for long time has messed up my mental health big time and I started thinking about suicide even before Chester's death. Chester's death has even made my depression even worse to the point of feeling physical pain without actually being hurt physically. I'm just glad that I'm alive to tell these stories and I hope 2018 will be a better year.

  2. How are they going to play a hard rock and metal festival without Chester Bennington? There is no Linkin Park without Chester Bennington, but even if they tried, they'd FOR SURE have to get a new vocalist by then, one who can scream heavily.

    There were negotiations before Chester's passing. It's not like they would ask them to play knowing that their lead singer is dead.

  3. I think OML song could get nominated because of Chester s death but winning is really hard, as you said OML was terribly received by critics and wasn t a bummer in terms of commercial success, it just performed fine. Considering that the last nomination they received was for WID back in 2008 when they were still big AF now the chances of nominations are few and chances of win are like none

    I mean you are absolutely right but I think that only way OML would have stood chance is If it was submitted in the alternative/rock category. All alternative and rock albums have been a huge flop this year aside from Gorillaz, Foos, Imagine and LP of course so I guess that might have worked to their advantage.

  4. LP won't get nominated anyway no matter what the category is. They are not trendy in any way and OML's critical reception was,to put it lightly,"weak". These are the 2 reasons that any artist gets nominated in the first place.

  5. Mike can sing a lot of them and if they make a new album, in time, they'll make another album, etc. They could make an entire set of those albums. Think of it as a rebirth for the band. They're starting over. They don't need to only live off of the success of the past albums. Nobody in the world can sound anything like Chester or be like Chester, so your argument is invalid by saying Mike can't. Nobody can. If people got mad because the band didn't play all of those old songs, they're probably really asshole people. There was a huge devastating loss in the world of the band, so things will obviously be different. Do you want the band to end? What do you mean accept it?

    Completely agree. You are the man, Geki.

  6. Any metalcore vocalist would work, since they can both scream and sing and do aggressive vocals, etc. Tons and tons of singers out there they could choose. I know they're grieving still but they need to consider the future of the band. Don't leave it as a guess to the fans. Are they continue or not and in what capacity? It's not fair that everyone in the band has to throw away their career and all the fans have to throw away their favorite band because one person committed suicide. It won't be the same without Chester, but who the hell expects it to? They could find a metalcore vocalist and do a big tour, record some new music, etc. Maybe even re-record some of the old music.

    Some people have reservations against the word "commited", because that word implies that he intended this act and it also criminalizes suicidal people most of times like they are the only ones responsible for suicide "act" but I digress (just felt the need to put this here)

  7. Agree with you Justin.

    I'm sorry, GraDoN, I was a bit angry but it's all good now.I just don't get the reason at all and I wish I did know what was going in his mind.

    Suicide is tragic not only because the pain it causes to others but because the questions it leaves unanswered too.

    I still stand by my opinion that music is entirely subjective though.

  8. Making something that has personal significance or sentimental value doesn't make it immune to criticism. Should we just hand every album a gold star because doing otherwise could hurt the artist's feelings?


    OML wasn't a very good album, regardless of whether you enjoyed it or not. That's just a fact.

    Seriously from the beginning of this cycle you are the only LP "fan" that pissed me off . It's not a fact , all music tastes are entirely subjective .Just because an album is disliked by a lot of people doesn't mean it's bad.Just because the music is simple doesn't mean it's bad. I can say that "black star " is a bad album and It still holds the same weight as your opinion and I have 100 reasons why OML isn't half as bad as some people said but that's really not the point. There's no black and white in this situation and this is not on the same level as corey fieldman music where all people agree on the same opinion . I hate albums that are considered " classic " by some people and I have reasons to back it up and that should be enough because music is 100% subjective.

    I know I'm wasting my time here because that's like the 100th time you stated your opinion as "fact" but whatever.

    I didn't even see you talk about Chester's death. It seems that it wasn't worth the effort ( to you ) to talk about it. But sure you immediately jumped into a thread just to prove how your opinion is undeniable fact . Good for you I guess..

  9. I disagree completely. Cornell sent Chester over the edge, nothing to do with the reaction of the album. As I mentioned before, LP were masters at handling criticism having dealt with it for every single album. OML's backlash was nothing new and was nothing even close to how badly the fanabase backlashed over ATS.

    I disagree completely. Cornell sent Chester over the edge, nothing to do with the reaction of the album. As I mentioned before, LP were masters at handling criticism having dealt with it for every single album. OML's backlash was nothing new and was nothing even close to how badly the fanabase backlashed over ATS.

    ATS wasn't as personal to Chester as OML though and While I think that Cornell's death is the main reason, I strongly believe that backlash contributed to a degree .I mean let's be honest Chester wasn't handling criticism the right way this cycle that he even went out of his way to lash and respond to some losers on the internet. He spent way too much time on twitter and social media more than he would normally do . He responded to one guy on instagram aggressively calling him "douchebag" because he said something like " Your new music has no soul " or whatever.The guy was losing his fucking mind and Cornell's death made it worse. Look at his kerrang interview where he said "I will punch you in the face you fuckin pussy " to some people calling them "sellouts". The only thing I agree with is that the criticism wasn't nearly as bad as ATS's but keep in mind that Chester was in better mental state then.He simply didn't give a fuck. he didn't spend that much time on social media wasting his time to responding to some people on the internet and even putting that aside, Criticism of any kind can take a toll on you after a while even If you are normal person. Chester was very passionate about the album . It was very personal to him.He had a hard time in 2016 and I believe the only thing that kept him alive was making this album and he was on top of the world in the beginning of 2017 and speaking from mentally ill person perspective ( like me ) , when you are so happy about something , you will most likely be affected by any negative response to the point you can't even ignore it.

  10. Linkin Park's biggest days are well behind them anyways, even the band knows that. They aren't going to ever have the success of something like Hybrid Theory or Meteora ever again, and probably not the success of Minutes To Midnight, either. Sales dropped largely for A Thousand Suns and albums after, they might be able to pull that sort of success if they continue on, but I sadly doubt it. They lost the heart of their band, the soul. Casual fans already were not as interested in Linkin Park before Chester even died, and it also depends on what kind of music they are going to make in the future. I'm sure if they made another nu-metal record or hard rock record that some people would eat it up, but doing so without Chester might be pretty hard. They could go a hip-hop direction, but if they did that, there's no need for a new Chester. Continuing on the pop train seems to be what they should do, and they could easily find a pop vocalist, since pop music doesn't require talent like the singing on the first three Linkin Park albums. They could do that, honestly. This site and LPA are a very small fraction of people. Not everyone posting is going to go to the shows and buy their music, even if they say they are. I mean this thread only has 9 pages. In the past, this thread would have had like 50+ pages, easily. Same with LPA. Linkin Park isn't as big as they once were, and sometimes it's hard for the hardcore fans to realize that.

    I respect your opinions and all but I never understood your obsession with the first 3 albums when you used to say that your favorite album was "Living things " but that's not really my point.My point is everyone should give their newer albums a proper chance. I gave meteora a chance after Chester's death and I can honestly say it's now my favorite record ever so maybe you should do the same with newer albums.

    Singing the "new" songs is not that easy as you have imagined and Chester's signature sound is there but it just got softer.

    I'm not saying that you should like these albums , all I'm saying is give them a fair chance and see If you like them or not and be respectful enough to call it for whatever it is which,in this case,not your taste.

    The criticism for OML contributed one way or another to Chester's death and I'm sure If people weren't such assholes with their opinion , this wouldn't have happened.

  11. THP sold around 10,000 more copies its first week than it looks like OML will have (once the exact numbers come in), and debuted during a week that happened to end up being the first week in all of 2014 to have three albums sell over 100,000 copies. Damn near any other week that year, 110,000 copies would have been an easy #1.

    OML will not make them any more money than any other album they've done in recent years (possibly even less), Heavy never cracked the top 50 and none of the subsequent singles will do nearly as well because nothing else on the record has quite as much crossover pop radio appearl (and lead singles nearly always perform better regardless), and the album is largely being viewed as flop by the press. I guarantee they knew all of this would transpire long before the record came out. They're not stupid.

    I think heavy will be top 50 hit in the next weeks but yeah I pretty much agree with you , well said .
  12. Fantastic?? Yeah, no.

    Grow up , everyone has an opinion including you talking shit all the time.I'm seriously sick of your negativity as If LP commits crime by releasing this album . we get it it's not your taste doesn't mean that others can't praise it .

  13. This band needs to disband.


    Chester is much better with STP or DBS.


    Mike is much better with FM.


    The others don't really do shit on this album. I hate it. I think/hope this is the end of LP.

    I hope now the album does well just because of your comment

  14. One More Reason to be disappointed, waiting 3 years for 30 fucking minutes of bad music is disgusting.

    They ar3 really becoming what Mike said they don't want to be.. A legacy act.

    Most artists release short albums nowadays that's how it goes, people don't listen to long albums anymore and this has nothing to do with being a legacy act as they played most of the album already and they are proud of it .
  15. I don't think OML is the only problem . At first , LP was innovative until ATS . Then, we just had generic songs over 6/8 years .


    Collabs might say it all : they're done creating . They do not have ideas anymore.

    So you are one of the few that calls ATS "generic " , while praising early nu metal stuff , I see now ...
  16. Let's be honest, they wrote a record in THP that wasn't received great, and didn't sell great either. So they decided to go back to a BID type tune to appeal to the masses again. I get it, I just don't like it. Maybe the rest of the record is different. Who knows.

    They make the music they love and you can't judge them like you know them personally or something .

    Also, this doesn't resemble BID at all

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