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Posts posted by sckofelng

  1. There are samples everywhere in the album - HT element

    Rapping - WTCFM, WAK, Blackout (if you want to call it that)

    DJ Scratching - Catalyst, WAK, WTCFM, JDM,


    i mean do you want me to keep going? Just because there isn't distorted guitar doesnt mean its not LP.


    i already caught up, that's why i actually like W&K + WTCFM (even if those lyrics are just a punch in every only HT/Meteora fans faces). dont you tell me that i did not catch up even if i complain lol

  2. Agree with you. You must think like LP guys think, they're thinking how to attract us with a new stuff, never heard stuff. In making of MTM video they clearly said that it wouldn't be trilogy of HB and ATS after MTM shows it. Okay great some people want With You or APFMH so listen old recordings and don't boring fans that truly support new LP ideas. If you don't like new LP don't listen it, I always recommend such thing. You'd better listen Disturbed or something like that ;)

    thats why chester had been tweeting that the new album (ATS of course) will be a mixure of MTM and HT.. sorry but this is where i say f*** you^^ he fooled around with all of those who were hoping for the album being like that


    oh and for the old stuff:

    recordings never let you feel the real thing, you are a trader, you should know it :)

  3. what introduction?

    i am talking about mike shouting out before the show (he shouted out the name of the town they were playing in mostly and asking them if they are ready and to go crazy etc. 'til 2006 and stopped doing it since 2007)


    this must be the first time he did it again and i am glad he did it, imo this is a good way to get the crowd going crazy from the start x)

  4. Need i say more? Little math here, when Meteora dropped, a few hybrid theory songs got dropped, when Minutes dropped, some meteora songs got dropped, when ATS dropped more songs from the first three albums got dropped. Why? Because they need to make room for the newer material. Its a hit/miss with fans these days. They get tired of repetitive setlists, the band freshens it up by throwing new material on the setlist and STILL people complain. I cant wait till someone invents the time machine so all the LP fans who want older material played can go to 2000-2004 and stay there ffs.

    thats why mike said in an interview back in 2004 that they had to think about adding stuff to their set.. yeah a couple songs were dropped, still, nearly all the older shit was played. i did not complain about the MTM era either. if the band does not rotate their sets starting in europe then this is in my eyes for sure one of the wrongest decisions of their live career ever, they can really start losing their old fans who did not like ATS because it was not the stuff they hoped for (including me). they said they would play enough from all eras. then they should rotate everything imo.

  5. Yes, because it makes perfect sense to NOT play NEW songs, from a NEW album that the band is currently touring for. :rolleyes:

    i was not saying what you were saying, at least i was not meaning it^^ still, just because a new album is out you drop all the others? this is not how a good live band handles all songs imo

  6. They probably won't play APFMH, BITS or Blackout on the South American part of the ATS World Tour, but, as I said before, it is a possibility for later shows, more for BITS and BLackout than APFMH (because that song is ridiculously old!)

    just cause its 'ridiculously old' it does not mean that the band is not allowed to play it. now should be the time to bring back some nasty old stuff actually, starting up with 11 songs from the new album is unfortunately the complete opposite :( at least papercut is back :)

  7. Just his comment shows me once more how great and really unselfish he is .. Dude, you really are an amazing person, i've met you as a trader, but you also helped me many times if i needed any help. Just a huge thanks yet again. Happy Birthday, i hope you'll have a great day :)

  8. @sckofelng: Oh gosh listen to the songs for god's sake. You're hearing it, but you're not listening to them.


    I don't think that LP has done all that sound just with the computer. I still can hear many instruments and I'm sure LP will prove all the people who claim that there's no guitar or drums wrong! I mean they're not dumb, they wouldn't make music which they could play back on the shows and just sing / rap to it...

    I listened to it all night long, and actually, i've done it as the full ATS experience twice!


    And actually i heard guitars, but what does it help if you hear some hissing electronic noises over them?


    As I said the band changed. And Stefano, just because you like it and i don't, it does not mean that you have to assume that i did not "listen" but just heard it.

  9. Shouldn't you have been complaining during Minutes to Midnight though? This album has more of their roots than that album did.

    Well i complaint about the slow songs of MTM too :) But they still had a guitar. If LP had done a album full of their wishes back before MTM it would not sound like ATS either. The band changed, but it can't be possible that there are no more real guitars/bass/drums. It's just ridiculus (to me and a couple others) to hear to a couple of these songs if you know that a band called 'Linkin Park' brought out this after 3 years.

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