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Posts posted by MONDREUS240

  1. Oh yes you're right, they were all pressing the midi pad together..pretty hard right? The tambourine in the beggining, the bass, the guitar on the breakdown, all sampled, coming out of midi pads. If i miss something, it's LIVE INSTRUMENTS, not samples.

    The only acoustic instrument on the studio version is piano... :/
  2. LP_Lewy’s Adelaide Guitar Playing Experience


    What’s up LPLive. I enjoyed reading Pez’s Faint guitar experience so much I thought I would share mine. There are a lot of similarities but some differences too. I’ll start at the M&G. There were only about 15 of us there… We were lead into a room with somewhat of a kitchen bench which had textas and water on it so that’s where the band would be… Hugo and Maurice then asked us some quiz questions and I won an awesome old school Hybrid Theory T-shirt which I ended up getting signed.


    As I approached the table Brad was first… He didn’t really say anything but seemed pretty happy. Next was Chester. I asked him how Saw 3D was and he said “Man that movie sucks” haha. Next I think was Phoenix and he was his usual cheesy-grinned self then Mike was next. I said “so do remember a dude called Pez” and Mike smiled and immediately knew what my next question was going to be. He then said this is cool because now Faint’s in a really cool place (in the encore) so I would watch the show up to then and then go back and play with them. Phoenix asked if I could play the bass part which was hilarious. I said I would but in the end it was Mike’s part on guitar. After that conversation I don’t even remember Rob or Jo signing my T shirt because my brain was a mess of excitement and nerves.


    After the group photo we all followed Hugo down through backstage, which was cool, and he let the others out onto the floor. He then took me and introduced me to Mikes guitar tech Kirk and he was awesome and Hugo said he’ll meet me back here after Bleed it Out and we’ll go from there. So sure enough I headed to the front left of stage again and Hugo found me and took me right to the side of stage where the Brad and Mike’s guitar techs were. I stood with Kirk (Mike’s tech) for When They Come For Me and he asked me what guitar I wanted to play… I jumped on that and said the LP PRS with duct tape! So he started tuning it through Crawling and then let me hold it through New Divide which I played along to. I was looking at the setlist a lot and could have sworn it read BURNING IN THE SKIES then CRAWLING, NEW DIVIDE, FAINT then ONE STEP CLOSER… Maybe I was just out of it but seriously it didn’t say EMPTY SPACES let alone WHEN THEY COME FOR ME.


    It was here that I met Jo’s girlfriend whom was playing scrabble on her Ipad and for whom Jo danced for like an idiot during WTCFM to make her laugh. At the end of Crawling I heard Mike start talking to the crowd, saying things like “we have a thing called LP Underground and we had a meet and greet before the show and this guy asked if he could play with us and we said yes!” Then I run up the ramp onto stage.



    He asks me my name and I say Lewis.. Then asked where I was from… I said Down South and the crowd went wild haha. Faint started and in a blink it was over. I think I worked the crowd pretty well and without a doubt had the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. I got phoenix and Mike to play my guitar while it was on me and I went up to Chester just before the first chorus and he said “Are you ready” to which I replied “Hell yes”. I turned around and looked at Rob, he returned the favour and smiled. It was all over so damn fast. Then I walked off stage. Shook Kirk’s hand in thanks and went back onto the floor to rock out to One Step Closer with a pocket full of LP guitar picks and the biggest grin in South Australia.

    That was an awesome story! Congrats on playing with LP!

  3. 1. Numb- I know, what a surprise! But seriously, The "song" is so whiny and bitchy. (TIRED OF BEING WHAT YOU WANT ME TO BE!!!! I HATE MY LIFE!!! They should have named it "The Period Song" instead... jk..?) Anyway, I also hate it because of its unoriginal chord and song structure.


    2. Easier To Run- What I don't like about Crawling is that....oh wait...


    3. In The End (Reanimation)- The guy talking in the beginning is acting like he wrote the song... He should shut the fuck up and get off LP's music.

  4. I hope you're talking about the Crawling demo that doesn't have Chester's pathetic attempt at an angsty teenage girl scream in the beginning.




    That has to be the dumbest, cringe-worthy, immature, any-other-negative-adjective moment in a Linkin Park song ever.

  5. I honestly feel robbed. People are selfish. I guess I will just have to settle with paying $170 for a ticket on stubhub. So much for being in the LPU and getting pre-sale tickets.


    So many people buy tickets for multiple shows and then people like us aren't able to get any tickets at all. :(

  6. I honestly feel robbed. People are selfish. I guess I will just have to settle with paying $170 for a ticket on stubhub. So much for being in the LPU and getting pre-sale tickets.


    So many people buy tickets for multiple shows and then people like us aren't able to get any tickets at all. :(

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