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from "rock im park" we will get nothing. only at the Ring there is a TV team and til now they say that they will show LP live :)


Going to make some phonecalls right now. I think my dad can record it.


Ok, my dad is getting the channel for free on his digital channels package so he can record it in HD. But, the text on the site is saying it under terms of blabla so it's not really sure if the whole show will be broadcasted


As far as I know from previous years it's unlikely the whole show will be broadcasted.

But what I read on the cultura site is that they are broadcasting the whole day live... so it could be.

And if not, maybe the whole show will be on a certain site on the internet, i've seen that before with other bands on Pinkpop.

Anyway, i'm going and don't have digital tv so I won't be able to record it, but i'm certainly gonna enjoy it..! :D


Going to make some phonecalls right now. I think my dad can record it.


Ok, my dad is getting the channel for free on his digital channels package so he can record it in HD. But, the text on the site is saying it under terms of blabla so it's not really sure if the whole show will be broadcasted

Full show or not, we need it recorded haha. It's a good idea to grab as many airings as possible since it could be different songs etc.

Given the track record of LP's performances at these European festivals the last few years, I'm not holding my breath for anything other than the Rock in Rio webcast and a handful of songs from Rock Am Ring to actually wind up being shown anywhere. I'm still cautiously optimistic though.


Yeah that's right. Most of the times TV channels just announce it and the bands don't allow it in the end. For example the schedule for the Rock am Ring live telecast/webcast is only accurate for the actual day.


Pinkpop usually announce when they arent able to broadcast certian bands on television, like they did with linkin park in 2007. They havent announced anything this year, some im pretty certain all the bands will be broadcasted on tv. So we should at least have 2/3 songs broadcasted, and maybe a full show on the cultura24 website.

Still hoping for hungerstrike during soundgardens or linkin park sets haha


Full show or not, we need it recorded haha. It's a good idea to grab as many airings as possible since it could be different songs etc.

Lol yeah i know and it will be recorded!

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