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Today, Mike called in to radio stations across America in Chicago, Philadelphia, etc to discuss Post Traumatic and more. Check below for a recap of the interviews he did. The recaps get shorter as they go on because Mike repeats a lot of the general information in each.

-Didn’t want to leave his house or see anyone in the months afterwards.

-Making music and art is what got him out of that place.

-"I was messing around making music, and the first thing I really made that was actual music was a few weeks later and was called “Looking For An Answer”". “It was mostly junk in the beginning but at a certain point I hit a bunch of songs that were true to where I was at and what I was going through. More time that passed, I came out of that dark place so the music followed too.”

-”Crossing a Line” was written at a time where something positive was happening by getting out into the world again.

-Didn’t want to “betray” LP by releasing new music but the band was very supportive.

-LP fans don’t know what to expect when a record comes out. Lots of style changes.

-The label probably thought they were signing another “rap/rock” band (which was big at the time) but LP didn’t care about staying with that specific genre, they wanted to constantly evolve.

-There is a difference between what is out already (five songs) and what is about to come out on Post Traumatic is - as time has gone on and Mike has wrapped his head around the world with Chester not in it, different songs have come out of that and the newer songs are not all dark.

-”We will never forget Chester” “I spent the greater portion of my adult life with him. He was an absolute legend, he was one of the best rock singers of all time. There’s no voice like his voice. Even when we did the Hollywood Bowl show… I like a lot of the covers but they don’t sound like him.”

-More Post Traumatic shows are coming.

-”When I first starting making the music, it was to just get it out of my system. Then I thought ‘what was the best way to communicate this music?’ Should I give them away and let the closest fans know how I feel and where I’m at? Then I realized it was a journey that really doesn’t have an end that is coming out of the darkness.”

-Fans were constantly reaching out to the band and to Talinda/Chester’s family. Mike loved all the murals, the tributes, the concerts, etc. “The community is very connected and it is very important.”

-”The Post Traumatic artwork is all ten or twelve paintings I did since July. Frank Maddocks and I created a lot of the packaging together.” Mike has been very involved with LP’s art since day one.

-Mike loved the April Fools flannel joke by LPA.

-First real song written after 7/20 was "Looking For An Answer."

-”A normal version of my professional life is to release music, playing shows, being on the radio, etc so to get back to some sense of that is helping me in this journey”

-He loves the work Talinda has done with 320 Changes Direction, treating your mental health as seriously as your physical health.

-He was messaging a student from Parkland and realized there was a relation there between both the student and Mike experiencing recent loss in life.

-“I feel like I have a little bit of a responsibility to let the fans who have had our back since day one know how I’m doing.”

-Still finishing the album and doing videos, hopes to have some USA dates sorted out when he’s done with that.

Stay tuned for more press in the coming weeks.


Wasn't a huge livestream so I don't think there's much of a reason to make a new thread, but Mike is in Shanghai right now and did a livestream on QQMusic and answered some questions:


- Mike shot some footage in China that may be used for future music videos

- He's aiming to play in China at the end of the summer

- Mike learned to write his name in Chinese

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