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As many of you have heard by now, Scott Weiland has passed away. Scott was a rock legend and influenced Chester more than we would ever know. It's no secret how big of a fan Linkin Park was of Stone Temple Pilots. When Chester took over as lead singer of STP in 2013 and was continually asked about Scott in interviews, he never said one single bad thing about him - ever. No matter what may have happened in the past few years, they were friends for an extended period of time and Chester did his best to honor both Scott and the music that Scott & STP created when he sang with them for two years.


Scott toured the world relentlessly with The Wildabouts recently and even talked about another possible STP reunion in the future, something he wanted because of how big of a fan he was of his own work. He clearly loved music and that was his passion.



The world has lost a true rock star. Rest in peace.


Its such a shame that The Wildabouts are leaving just about nothing behind. Their guitarist died in March, their bassist was just arrested, and Scott has passed away. This seemed like a final chance to get his act together, but ultimately, Scott wasn't fooling anyone, but himself.

R.I.P. The positive is that people will remember him for the early days, and not the recent.

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