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Fucking rabbit you feel like a member from belowempty 15 posts and you are so annoying lol, go watch some Street performers and shut the f....

There's no need to attack someone directly if you don't like his opinion. Feel free to avoid posting in this thread until you'll find the words that responding to his post. Take the time..


Great to see you Ravok.


Didn't Dave Grohl ALREADY slam Linkin Park years ago for using a click track or something as it is during live shows?


I believe he complained that LP used samples in the show.


Great to see you Ravok.



I believe he complained that LP used samples in the show.

The article I saw didn't say exactly what his problem with LP was but I remember it saying how Motley Crüe uses backing tracks and then it mentioned LP.


I'm not overly thrilled about this new information I've learnt.


Do the others members do anything similar/equivalent?


What other singers do this?


STP was my first "favorite band" as a kid, mainly because of Weiland. I still think their "Unplugged" episode is the best, ever. To see what Scott has become is disheartening and depressing as a fan, but I couldn't ask for a better replacement than Chester. Hopefully I can catch STP 2.0 when they come around again, but my greater hope is that Scott somehow, FINALLY, gets his act together for good and can reunite with the band. I'll support either incarnation of STP, either way.

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