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Posts posted by crazygolfer

  1. The Project Spark video looked like it was something put together by a teen who grabbed some footage from a video game he likes and slapped a song onto it without trying to sync it with the music. YouTube is littered with videos like these, and personally I think it's embarrassing that they actually green lit this.

  2. All these shows are a bit concerning to me regarding his relationship with Linkin Park lately. I'm not necessarily saying that I believe something is going on but it's weird that he's playing all these shows here and there while the band is trying to finish the album...It just doesn't seem right.


    This doesn't have anything to do with that, but that's still happening. That is about the new album promotional cycle, etc. Stuff has already been done in regards to what you're talking about, but behind the scenes.

    Awesome! Thank you for letting us know that this is still happening. I can't wait!

  4. "Over the coming year, Mike wants to do some projects with fansites like LPA and LPL as 2016 rolls by"


    Late but maybe something with this?

    I've been wondering if/when this was going to happen...I'm bummed out that it seems likely that Mike has changed his mind or just has been too wrapped up with the album to have the time to arrange this. I miss the ATS album cycle; it was an amazing thing to be a part of, and I would like this cycle to be as special.
  5. We are already on update #7 and still barely anything has been revealed...Even in the 24 min podcast update nothing new was talked about besides them saying they needed more studio space for live drums and better workflow. So far, the biggest "update" has come from Blackbear's Snapchat revealing new music which may or may not be part of the new album, but at least it's better than these repeated "updates."

  6. I wish we could at least get a number of how many collaborators have already been in the studio. It seems like every update pushes the album further back - now Phoenix is saying that only a single will be out around the time that Mike hoped for the album to be released.

    Yeah my excitement for this album goes up and down based on these "updates." May as well not plan on anything being released this year now.

  7. I'm really excited about the direction it seems they are taking. This album will likely be very refreshing in contrast to THP. I can't wait to hear the first snippet of the lead single; great times are just around the corner, my friends.

  8. Linkin Park's social media has been doing great as well. Their Facebook stats are still pretty healthy. I really think it was just a case of terrible marketing, and lack of interest in THP's material overall. The sound of that album caters to such a small group of people, even within the fanbase. I really hope that they come up with a great strategy this time around in order to get the new album out there, and release a strong single that's both creative and has some commercial appeal. WFTE is a great example of a song containing the best of both worlds.

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