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Posts posted by r0ked

  1. 4 hours ago, LPLStaff said:


    Mike has confirmed there is no new album coming. He will also not be playing shows any time soon.

    where did he confirm it... twitter?


    1 hour ago, Justin said:

    Seems like he’s going the “drop a single whenever I feel inspired, make a song, and that song is ready” route rather than crafting an album and releasing that.

    yeah sad. insular single releases like that are just not as memorable. i understand if he doesn't want to tour, that takes time and effort to setup after all

    but all this talk about a "new era" just makes me think of a set of songs, at least an EP, not just one (kind of short) track

  2. do you not think this is kind of normal for him? also considering they're on lock down in LA too... Mike's making music all the time and all of the things he was working on the past week were "only" jams/ideas (with the exception of open door)


    I am excited to see what he does in the future though... seems like another solo album is on the menu for sure

  3. God this is so random I actually can't believe it.

    So it seems like this small and at least to me unknown German techno producer Charly Beck is going to release an official remix of Burn It Down tomorrow. Official as in - with blessing of the band - or rather the label.

    I only found out about because the producer he collaborated with did an interview with a local newspaper. Here is the Soundcloud of the techno guy. This will be the 12th remix of Burn It Down released...the list of all official LP remixes can be found here.

    Check out the "professional" cover for it:

    This is as about as random as it gets, but here is a clip from the newspaper article interview:

    "Döllstädt, home to Martin von Auen. In the music scene, his name is not unheard of. Producers call him to get his opinion about their songs, as he himself says. Most recently he joined Stuttgart musician Charly Beck on a remix of the song "Burn It Down" by Linkin Park. Back in school he mostly got E's in music class.

    Von Auen and Beck had almost given up hope. "It took eight weeks until we heard back from Linkin Park. We participated in a public tender and ultimately then got the chance. Especially Charly had already given up on it" recalls von Auen.
    Although they never met Linkin Park in person, this is song can't be published under the big name Linkin Park by anybody else. "And they also keep a big portion of the money too", informed us the humble von Auen, whose name is not even to be found on the cover of the CD.

    He says: "I must not always be in the spotlight, because that way you don't end up doing stupid things. And I'd rather myself. In addition, I fulfilled my own childhood desires and we'll see what comes up with my music."

    With one of his next projects he wants to support a certain Konrad Bergen the coming year. "The guy is celebrated in Holland and Poland at the moment" according von Auen. He also just appeared on the popular CD "D.Trance 72. "Next year I will try to manage him and make him more known in Germany too"."


    Well, there's always more where that came from.

  4. I just don't like the direction this is going...


    When I look back Fort Minor, TO ME, was about Mike and SOB and a bunch of guests. I mean they were on so many songs, they were on the mixtape, they were in the videos... And this is why I thought naming the project FM was also a nice way of giving credit to those guys, even if Mike didn't intend to do that with the name.


    Still there is Kenji which is such a personal song for Mike and it too goes under the label 'Fort Minor'. So for me the problem lies not within Mike doing solo stuff under Fort Minor and cutting Ryus verse but I think it is just disrespectful to Ryu not to tell him.


    I really hope Mike respondes to Ryu and explains the whole situation.

    It would be sad if they mess up all chances for a future collaboration between them

  5. There are chance that this album will be released as CD. Till I have no confirmation about that, I will not give any details.

    I would love that!


    If it isn't where would be the best place to get it - amazon or itunes?

    Who delivers the better quality?

    I know that both will sell it in compressed formats but is there a difference between mp3 and aac?

  6. Could such a contract prevent LP from releasing the DSPs!?

    But it seems strange to me that not the artist but the promoter owns (parts of) the broadcasting / recording rights... and thereby restricts the artist from giving it away

    however I hope for something like with the moscow show :D

  7. Don't know if there is anybody who is still interested in the Berlin show @ Admiralspalast (6 June, 2012; Telekom Streetgigs)...

    I am, so:

    From the mail of downloads.linkinpark.com I read that the rights for the recordings might be owned by "Telekom Streetgigs" and that could be the reason why LP isn't able to sell it as a DSP. Because of that I wrote an email to "Telekom Streetgigs" and asked them if it is possible for them to sell or even give it for free.

    As a response I got the folllowing:


    "Auch wenn die Rechte des Materials vom Linkin Park Gig bei uns liegen, ist

    es aus rechtlichen Gründen dennoch nicht möglich, die Audio- und/oder

    Videomitschnitte zum Download oder Verkauf zur Verfügung zu stellen. Auch

    das Ganze on-demand auf unserer Website anzubieten ist leider nicht

    möglich. Ich hoffe, du hast dafür Verständnis." -Alice vom Telekom Street Gigs Team


    "Telekom Streetgigs" definitely is the owner of the recording rights (I don't know if that includes the soundboard recording)

    but they say that they cannot offer downloads or audio-on-demand (not even for sale) because there are legal issues...


    I can't imagine though what issues they might have?!

    Could it be that LP and Telekom only own the rights partly? That would be THE BIGGEST SHIT EVER!!! because if that's the case both have to get along with one solution...

    Is anybody still interested? Any opinions? Should we try to ask Adam or somebody else from the LP team on twitter or even try to contact the management?

  8. I just got an email from the downloads.lp.com support its like:


    >> Unfortunately, the June 5 Berlin show was accidentally added to the LP bootleg series. For contractual reasons we are unable to release the show for download.

    To make up for the mistake we would like to offer you free downloads of any two Linkin Park shows.

    We are very sorry for the mistake and apologize for any inconvenience this has caused you. <<



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