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Everything posted by IRENE_K

  1. You mean summit in Darien Mark?! 😜 😉 I completely agree with Pez! I mean it's exciting to hear about rebellion but in my opinion brad has got to live up to the sound ... And I personally don't like songs where MS sings ... I prefer the rappy raps like in Keys ... Was looking forward to that! I guess I will have to wait & see!
  2. Did anyone think that some of the messups from joe could be from his new setup by Warren? It is a crazy setup! Just look at all those buttons... Wouldn't it be easy to messup with 32 songs?! LOL! Hopefully they perfect things by Carnivores Tour! I'm excited as hell for that! http://instagram.com/p/oRJ3BHi4Z2/
  3. I predict until it's gone will be on the soundtrack even if they're not the official band of T4. The song fits with the precious songs they've contributed as well as the music, lyrics, & Chester's melodic harmonies & belted screams!
  4. Dave (Phoenix) also told me summer... since it wasn't from Mike it's more likely to be true LOL
  5. I was one of the people fortunate enough to attend this amazing benefit show. I was born in the Philippines so it meant that much more to me to be there. I didn't know until Wednesday I was for sure going. It all worked out. Having just been in Vegas the day before it was a fun and exhausting 48 hours of my life. But back to back shows are amazing & memorable. Yes Chester was sick. He said "fuuuuuccckkkkk" really loud during soundcheck... Remember he's been touring with both LP & STP plus this was their 3rd show in a row. When's the last time they've done that? And with vocals like Chester do you expect it to be perfect 24/7?! He was sick & still gave it his all. ALSO, don't judge solely from the livestream. I was there & it was definite in my top shows! The collaborations were awesome & it was great to be a part of it. The guy who sang bleed it out on Chester's mic along with mike during verse 2 of bleed it out... MY HUSBAND! The livestream didn't do his moment justice. My friend next to us recorded it luckily. I don't think Chester has done the crowd thing during BIO since Ats Tour 2011? It was awesome because he came down by us and then put the mic to him then back to himself then went closer to my husband then back to him and back to my husband. Chester was blown away with how well he did. He bro hugged him and said thank you then Chester said thank you! Chester was so awesome. He stayed around until everyone had a pic & autograph. When he talked to my husband he told him "dude you were fucking awesome! You didn't skip a beat." It was a very memorable experience. (This doesn't count as Chester letting the crowd do his parts cuz well it was actually mike's part. During the stream recording you see mike look over to see who's singing on Chester's mic. You can actually hear my husband if you listen closely) Dave (Phoenix) also stayed for a few after the show & after we chatted I said see you on the next tour and he said yeah in summer! I said this summer? He said yeah this summer! So both Dave & Chester spoke about a Summer US tour... Hmmmmm did I miss anything?...
  6. When I chatted with Dave after the Philippines show I said see you on the next tour & said in the Summer & I said this summer? He said yeah this summer! And then I found out from friends Chester told them specifically August so that's two band members speaking of a US tour in summer. I'm thinking honda civic tour part 2 since they were asked last year to come back.
  7. YAY for a sense of humor!
  8. Brace yourselves... It's something that I don't think anyone has done yet...
  9. I hosted the Chicago meetup & told the LPUers there news about LPUXIII. LPUXIII has 3 themes which is what LPA tweeted about. I gave details about each of those themes...BIG details. It was LPA's decision not to give more info about it. It makes the fanbase go a little wild while making them wonder "what the fuck does that even mean." I was told not to tell anyone else the details so I won't. Feel free to ask anyone else who attended... Or just wait 1-24 hours depending on your timezone! > It's going to be a very great year of LPU. I can already tell... P.S. you guys are right about one of the things discussed above ... But there's more to it... (Muahahaha)
  10. I DEFINITELY don't think they will add any new songs to the setlist. If they were going to add any new songs, they would have added it to SSMF in my opinion. I think that things change all the time & even though mike has hinted at IBG, Chester has also hinted at powerless, they've said that they would try and get an album every 18 months & oh what's that... Oh yeah "las Vegas is the only North American show of 2013" so things always change... I don't think any of the Asia shows will get any new songs... It would be nice and if it does in fact happen it will be a GREAT surprise for those attending!I attended the SSMF show not expecting anything so I wouldn't be let down & I'm glad I did because "reading my eyes" during bleed it out was definitely a nice surprise. I only wish I didn't go on social media to see the KROQ dress rehearsal setlist!
  11. That's a compliment... I think? LOL! I'll take it hahahaha!!! I like where this thread is going... ; ) Back to the topic: I think it would be really cool to be a part of this performance. It is my DREAM to step foot in third encore... OMG THE FEELS.
  12. IRENE HERE [raises hands] I have ONE LP tattoo & even when/if I get a 2nd one or the number of shows I go to doesn't make me more or less of a fan than any other. Call me die hard, call me obsessed, call me what you will. The fans/friends I have made because of LP know me for me & that's all that matters. I know lots more people that have been to way more shows and have way more tattoos. I don't think any less of them. Many of us (including me) have been to many many many shows especially if we've been fans since the beginnin. If we have the means and opportunity to do so why the hell not?!?! That doesn't make anyone a bad person. WE ALL LOVE THE SAME BAND.
  13. Mark! I can't seem to convert the file from the tune in radio app! I converted into MP3 and now it's blank? Anyone know how to convert these files otherwise?
  14. Thanks for crediting me as a predictor! =p Mark... You're still not following me lol but LPLIVE is so I guess it's the same? Haha!
  15. As an attendee of the Vegas show at planet Hollywood with front row view of Chester's zipper malfunction, I think a memory for many of us would be the beginning of "new divide" when the following is said C: "I'm so excited my pants are coming off."M: "what were you saying?"C: "my dick was trying to come out of my pants."M: "never mind I didn't wanna hear it"(Both laughing)C: "I wear my pants so tight that it doesn't have far to go Cuz it makes it look bigger." Just thought it would be something fun to add to the notes haha... Maybe a little inappropriate but still a great memory to those of us that were there... As well as those in my twitter timeline that couldn't believe it when I tweeted it!
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