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Posts posted by michaLPLP

  1. Hm I dont think "the artists" are the artists theirselves...someone does the prices but I guess its not chester saying: "hmm ok for this show this price and for this show this price" :D ...after all it is very expensive ...thats the fact we have to live with....

  2. Im not sure how I found the site...I think I came here over blackchester and then signed up...that was in late 2007 I thinkt...for a while I wasn't really active but then finally came back here and now Im checking LPL out every day a few times ...great community :)

  3. Its a stockcar crash challenge with "celebreties" of Germany :D So they drive in a circle and crash each other for points and so on....its an event by one of the best moderators in Germany (Stefan Raab) and of course there are music acts there was DBS ...yes they did play ONE song...the video was uploaded sooo quick...the show ends in a few minutes I think...im still watching...nice work :D

  4. Hey I just came back from the 1Live Out of Ashes pre-listening and it was amazing!

    Firstly: Fucking good album! We got to listen to all the songs and except of one or two tracks i got to listen more often it is fantastic!

    Then Chester and Ryan came and we were able to ask them questions. I tried to include as many of the questions which were posted here but well I was with 19 other people so I could not ask too much.

    But from the answers I got and from other answers I can conclude:


    "How did making the DBS record differ from an LP record?" - Alcohol instead of water and coke.


    "ask about more european tour dates ;-)" - They don't know yet when they come back to Europe. They try to tour around a bit and they come back as soon as possible.


    "ask them about the acoustic versions if we get in studio version" - Well didnt really get an answer to this but they definitly plan to make further records together



    ...Things beside that I got to know...well not much that you can't read in other interviews so just that: "Jessica Simpson had only one good song and that was from robbie williams...she fucking sucks"




    All in all: great afternoon (some pics may follow)

  5. I'm Uploading the whole show on Megaupload atm. Will take a while with this crappy connection but i'll post the links as soon as it's ready. (will be an hour or 2)

    Sounds nice :) thank you


    and till it's up...for everyone who has problem with watching the other video: It works with VLC Media Player

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