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Posts posted by thecodeman

  1. I'm sorry, I should have phrased my question differently. I already checked that page, I was wondering if anyone had a link to it.

    I did have it in HD, but at the time I didnt get a chance to burn it to DVD before I switched satellite providers. :(
  2. This show was awesome - my third LP concert in 4 years (would have been 4 for 4). We went just to see Chris Cornell and LP play. Was really cool to see Chris and hear his songs live. Street Drum Corps came out and did the sweet intro to One Step Closer (it was glow in the dark / blacklight). Chris came out and did Aaron's harmonies for Crawling, as Chester came out in the trusty wife-beater for the high parts of Hunger Strike. This one was different for me as they had the regular encore break, then two songs, followed by another break while they setup Rob's drum kit at the front of the stage. I thought they were taking the stage down so we left (my wife was 3 months pregnant at the time, you know how that goes). Sure enough, they come back and he does his solo and Bleed It Out. Didnt have pit tickets but sure would have liked to have stayed and tried to get some of the cash :)


    One thing I note in listening to the DSB recording, is that chester's voice seems really "tired". Guess it's a good thing this was the second to last show. He seems to sing parts more than scream them. Hope he takes care of himself!



  3. This was supposed to be my third LP concert, but I had to miss the 2007 PR Dallas, TX show as I was working in DC at the time. My wife was supposed to go with me, but she had just had surgery so I went with her two younger cousins and met my friend who went to school at OU. They all had never been to a concert before.


    We were lucky this time and scored Pit passes, but no meet & greet :(


    We arrived early, standing in the long lines with everyone else before the doors opened and checked out the LP tour bus and everything. Once inside, we quickly went to buy our concert shirts and dashed to get a good spot up front by the stage. This really paid off, as we were all right next to the barricade. This event was different in that the barricades made a peninsula coming into the pit.


    After hearing the opening acts Coheed & Cambria and whoever else (not my favorite acts by far) it was finally time for LP. Thankfully the contact high wasnt too bad, and standing by the peninsula totally paid off when chester came down during one of the songs and shook everyone's hand. I got it on video with my camera with him shaking my hand :)


    Otherwise, the concert was memorable in that chester was sick, and they had talked of cancelling the show but decided to change the setlist a little and play it anyway. you could really tell chesters voice hurt, as he asked the audience to sing along a lot and didnt really scream like you would think. My favorite part is when Chester said "If you dont want to be here, then get the **** out, we'll refund your ****ing money . But even though I'm sick I'm still here for you guys if you want to stay" (or something to that effect). Everyone cheered and (I dont think) anyone left.


    Overall a fun time!



  4. This also was my first "rock concert" (first and only other before this time) real concert being Elton John back in the day). I wasnt in the pit but I had seats kind of near the back before the lawn section started.


    I didnt know what time LP came on, so I dragged my wife (at the time, girlfriend) out there around 3:00PM. Saw some of Korn's set, none really of Snoop's, and tried to beat the HEAT.


    I dont remember nearly as much as LPPanther, only that the concert was AWESOME and I think they closed OSC with pyrotechnics which was pretty freakin cool. :) I wish I could find a recording of this.

  5. I personally think they'll give us this and then surprise us with another more "sane" CD in the package. Hopefully...

    There's no other CD in the package. This is it. Please refer to the pictures in the first post, the comments by the op, and Mike Shinoda's first post that was copied here, and the second post he made in the LPU.
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