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  1. Billboard has uploaded a short video of "Making of Guilty All The Same". You can watch it here. Included at 0:32 seconds is a clip of a board in the studio with song names (and likely demo names) written on it! 1. All for Nothing (True Chainz) 2. Keys to the Kingdom (Coffee) 3. The Wastelands (Artillery) 4. ? in the Sands (?) 5. Final Masquerade (Drawbar) 6. Warrior (Warrior) 7. Mark? the Graves (Plato) The biggest question this brings up is... how likely are these song names to be final ones on the album? It's almost guaranteed that some of them will make the album with these names. Based on previous Working Titles for Linkin Park songs, the band has always had songs that appear on their "song boards" make the albums, but in a few cases, some have been saved for b-sides (Minutes To Midnight) or were not released (Meteora, Minutes To Midnight, A Thousand Suns). Looking at the old song boards for albums, there's no way to guarantee what will make an album or be cut from an album. Demo names/song boards: Meteora, Minutes To Midnight, A Thousand Suns ( , two), Living Things ( , , , ). In a first, we see the band writing what appears to be demo names NEXT to the song names, so True Chainz, Coffee, Artillery, Drawbar, Warrior and Plato likely are what the demos were called. Only time will tell which of these songs make the album! Thoughts on the new song names?
  2. @m_shinoda: I just filmed a video "LP x GoodSmile 2: The Messenger" on #viddy http://viddy.it/p3QclJ
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