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About Vorist

  • Birthday 01/01/2015

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  1. Any news about the stream?
  2. No one get the blizzcon stream?
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDcBlCqUcgU US stream in 720p Somebody let this guy to upload his recording.
  4. Incompleted replay recorded from(Blizzcon China) Baidu Yun 540p Only first 57mins The account provider changed the password so the show wasn't full recorded. Tapper:ExtremeCode
  5. I was there and saw the dji's people record the whole show.(That are dji's cameras.)You can see guys with very big cameras tied on their shoulders through out the show in the audience recordings.Ans sometimes the screen will show imagines from the air. Also check out that link.
  6. http://www.dji.com/cn/showcase/17621 The full shenzhen show was recorded by dji. Maybe that is the first linkin park show recorded officially by UAV.
  7. Found this on taobaoMaybe we could buy a hdcp cracker? http://h5.m.taobao.com/awp/core/detail.htm?id=36598504420&spm=
  8. Found this on taobaoMaybe we could buy a hdcp cracker? http://h5.m.taobao.com/awp/core/detail.htm?id=36598504420&spm=
  9. How bad is it?Some screenshots?
  10. Try bandicam.It supports record in lossless and then you can use megui to encode it.
  11. The problem is not the ticket.The bar requires minimum charge.
  12. Man.The China shows cost almost 300 Euros per ticket.
  13. Relly want to have a good experience like that next time when they come to China again.
  14. Full show 1080p BaiduYun Tapper:baggio10189 Section:A2 Front Row Device:Go Pro3 Sorry too big to upload to MEGA. Lexx will get this to LP-bits
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