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Posts posted by holdlife

  1. i think it sounds like a pretty cool idea. i'm an old ht fan and i would miss hearing the classics, but even if they did decide to do this i'm sure they would still play other material. there's only 15 tracks, they're bound to play a few fan favorites in the encore. either way, i'm not going to any of the upcoming shows, so i'll see what the us tour brings.

  2. i like that they're doing the whole 'space'y theme in these two pictures to go with the album name and all but overall these remind me too much of M2M. that's the first thing i thought of when i saw them.

  3. now that i've listened to it more and more, it is slowly growing on me. i'm still not a fan of the auto-tune esque parts though :\ but i loooovvveee when chester and mike sing together. i can't wait to hear the whole thing and see the video when it's released.

  4. I might be with you. I'm keeping myself open minded because really a small sample says nothing. It sounds like it could have great potential.

    i agree with you. the song has potential, but mike's vocals sound absolutely terrible in that clip. i know it's only 40 seconds or what have you, but still, he sounds like a robot. thank god (to my knowledge) they haven't put too many crazy effects on chester's vocals, i think that would kill me.

  5. The Requiem definitely sounds like an intro-instrumental to me.

    The Messenger could be an outro or something, but we'll have to wait for that and also for the lenght of the songs.

    I agree with that theory. Either way all of this sounds so fucking promising/amazing/orgasmic it's unreal! I can't believe how much LP has grown with this album... I'm very impressed.

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