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Posts posted by jurhiat

  1. I think it will be a new episode of LPTV. With the guys making them stupids as ever in LPTVs. No new clips or anything......that....OR...date of the single release!


    It's my guess. :P

  2. Astat knows too much. SOOO much, that most LPLers don't believe that he is a real human being. Most believe that Astat is a form of life assumed to exist outside the Earths atmosphere, that cleverly cloaks himself in a very expensive, high grade costume to resemble a young man, so he can post up some videos on YouTube, completely beasting any songs with his guitar. Astat is fucking awesome, and intelligent, but getting on his bad side is a bad idea. The guy is so damn smart, if he was to face all of LPL and its 3,000+ members in a verbal argument, he would win. He is like.... the Achilles of LPL. Pure fucking badass.


    And this is no sarcasm. I love me some Astat (or Tatsa, for all the hardcore mofo's like me). LPL wouldn't be the same without this home boy.

    c'mon!! Marry him 'cuz u sucked his balls so hard!!!

  3. get a reply from J is like a xmas day, one time per year... haha.. but im working for another point :P


    thx, hope we can get it as soon possible.

    You're so sweet! That's why I love you, Felipe!! hahaahaha :lol: .


    @ LPL staff: We don't have to complain anything. You gave to us really BADASS stuff free of charge!! Keep it real!

  4. Yo!




    I'm pretty excited. Lookin forward for the exclusives, you never let us down my boys!!


    Now I think that we should stop announcing anything ahead of time.

    Such as LPL 4.0, any exclusives coming sometime soon, or anything else that's not 100% going to happen.


    BTW, we could've moved to LPL Wide long time ago, if somebody didn't say to me that we're going to move to LPL 4.0 in a week or so, which still hasn't happened, and nobody exactly knows when it is going to happen....


    I'm probably disappointed a little bit with all this stuff.......

    ouch! You're damn right. I hope at least one of the very big shits will come to us since we're waitin for those a long time!!

  5. ...nice interview but nothing really new!...

    ...and seriously, what's the deal with Rick Rubin? he is a great producer, but I always think Mike is way better (for alternative "new" bands like LP). The band was able to give any chance to another producer like...errm...Timbaland (just saying one)!!! ...mah...whatever...


    Merry X-mas to everyone!

    XoXo :lol:

  6. Across the Line = FREAKIN INSANE!! (it turn my s*x really sick haha)

    drawing, drum song, fear = oooh boi, I'm in love with those!!!

    faint, figure9 are just good as demos.

    A six = mahh..

    sad, snm = unecessary...

  7. ..."Demo thing" would be nice. You can add some info, crono and rare notes about every demo release. I was searching for something like that on the web without succes... <_<

  8. ..WOW,I'm still shocked!!

    I think we'll get some demos we heard before (like ITE or Crawling aka Massive Hits) and a lot of MTM era like LOATR with mike on vocals or the World Famous "6th string track"...nothing or almost nothing from Meteora...


    But, HELL YEAH!! a full new track!!

    !!!!this can't be more fucking exciting!!! :lol:

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