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Posts posted by lgr

  1. LITE -

    it's been suggested that this one is about Hybrid Theory and Mike adressing the album as a person - "You were that foundation" - he acknowledges that it made him, but "Never gonna be another one, no" - its time has pased, it's about putting a line in the sand, use of the word "finally" is pretty clear. there's also a similar address to I Have Not Begun/When They Come For Me - as if Mike's talking to someone who's critical of their later work "How's that working out for y'all in the back, huh?" it's similar to Taking Back Sunday's line in Timberwolves At New Jersey "I got the mic and you got the mosh pit" - it's about power, Mike's up onstage making something of himself, but you're in the crowd, you're not important. "I've seen that frustration / [...] / And I've come back unshaken" - Mike won't change his mind by what's said amongst others. the "I can't c-flat" is also is important, as it refers to the old down-tuned guitars style that tones of people wanted back after ATS, and in response - "I can't fall back, I came too far" - Mike shows there's no return, the band has evolved and people should try to catch up (motherfucker).

    That said, there is also a significant portion of these lyrics that could similarly apply to the whole "fucked up relationships" theme, in that if "each word gets lost in the echo" - there's no point speaking anymore, actions are the only way out of something. However, the "You were that foundation / Never gonna be another one, no" reminds me alot of the psychological condition 'Codependancy' - the excessive reliance on another's approval/affections (read more here), yet there is a positive here in the lines "Hold myself up and love my scars" - acceptance of a problem, and then - "this time I finally let you go" - a recovery.


    IMR -

    In My Remains has always struck me as though Chester is speaking from sort of afterlife (the word "remains" is a perticularly death-related term), adressing the listener wit the hope of telling them something that can help them on their own journey, or refelct upon Chester's own path, but he struggles - "Sifting "through the wreckage / I can't concentrate / Searching for a message/ [...] fear and pain / broken down [...]". he speaks of "wash[ing] away the worst of me" and "promises that never came" and "every broken heart" - he accepts he hasn't lived a brilliant life, but also makes us aware that he too was not treated well - "digging through the wreckage of your disregard", he feels wronged too, but isn't his attempt to contact us from beyond something to be admired? the idea of selecting parts and messages from someone's life reminds me alot of Leave Out All The Rest's "don't resent me" lines - the desire to be seen in a good light by those we love, even once we are gone. I'm not sure what I think of Mike's "Like an army.../one by one by one" lines, they strike me as a bit out of place but I guess it could be to do with the fact that everyone will eventually die, one by one by one we will all die, "falling" can apply to death; "fell" can be used similarly to words like "passed", "pased on" when we refer to death, but it tends to be used in terms of medieval battle - "to fall in battle" (which would explain the army refernece Mike uses. the "army falling" could be used in the hope that we too emulate the desire to teach others how to live well so they don't feel like the "afterlife chester" attempting to resolve his loved one's "fear and pain" and his own regrets.


    I love stuff like this, but right now, my arm hurts :lol:

  2. I agree 100%. I love it when people do this. Maybe we can make more threads about songs :)

    absolutely, I would bury myself in threads like that.


    I had heard that this song was about Chester dealing with the loss of his father, but I'm not sure when or where I heard that and like most things on the internet it's probably not true...



    having listened to Valentines Day almost directly after visiting auschwitz, I've always considered it applied to how I felt about that day -

    the collective pronouns - "they"/"you" (possibly plural?) can make it refer to a group of people, not just an individual - "a black wind took them away" is scarily apt.

    it was the middle of a European Winter, and the "so cold" line always strikes me.

    "I used to be my own protection but not know" - of becoming aware that the world and its people are capable of horrifying acts.


    the fact that we were actually there in that place on Valentine's Day itself makes the coincidences even more unsettling.


    every time I put that song on I can just feel the cold in my hands and feet, I remember the lights aboard the night train and the way falling snow blurs your vision and makes you dizzy sometimes. I listened to MTM on loop and chester's little vocal intonations and breaks in tone are really firmly attatched to that time

  3. 01. By Myself


    I was never ''big'' into songs like By Myself and Nobody's Listening back in the day, and I rarely (if ever) listen to them nowadays. Not sure what I dislike about them, can't really say.

    I would have had you down as liking By Myself - all dat screaming!


    I've never liked the studio version of Cure For The Itch.

    I way prefer the PR08 version to the studio edition.

    it's way darker and I like the alterations made to the samples. I think the added sample over Joe's later scratch part (It's probably a vocal clip, but it sounds like whale song or something) way cooler than the original.


    mine are...


    1 from each album -


    Easier To Run

    No More Sorrow

    The Messenger

    Until It Breaks


    overall -


    Easier To Run

    Nobody's Listening

    No More Sorrow

    Until It Breaks


    Runaway's chorus is just really simple and irritating, it's a decent track rhythmically, and I like the samples/breakdown, but it's too ham-fisted for my liking, I feel like it doesn't say anything of any significance, just words (it was a close call with Forgotten here).

    Easier To Run is their whiniest, I love the rap refrain and the way the chorus feels like it has a distance, or scope to it, but as a whole, it's the one I skip most off Meteora.

    Nobody's Listening isn't the most riveting song ever, I like the 2nd verse and the "heart full of pain" bit, but it's a bit dull overall.

    No More Sorrow insists on itself... I only ever listen to the Long Intro on the live version, but then usually skip the rest, it bores me.

    The Messenger is, in my opinion, a weak album closer, and I don't think Chester soundds very good on it. it exposes him struggling to hit top notes and it's ... painful listening.

    Until It Breaks feels too much like three bits jammed together, I like parts of it, but they could have done something better with those three parts. it feels rushed and under-cooked. plus I always feel like Mike isn't keeping up with the beat during the rep sections and it's frustrating to listen to.

  4. if it's of any help, leftshoe18 is a member here, he makes his own music and mash-ups of LP. he could have made this himself, or maybe someone else made it.

    I have seen a W&K a capella on youtube before now, but I have no idea if it was official or not. I don't think there's ever been a release of ATS a capella/instrumentals aside from any possible rock band/dj hero rips

  5. they were only under Metallica but I guess you couldn't have it the other way around..

    hmm, I heard alot of noise from the NIN camp during Reading/Leeds this year, Festival Republic don't treat bands particularly well (AAA passes not being honoured, your guests only being allowed backstage at strict times, etc.) but at such a big festival, you do have to accept that they need to control the flow of the undoubtedly vast number of people who will be backstage. and if you're going to play at a festival, you have a contract you sign where you can pretty much tell if it's going to be a tough weekend, that's poor work from the legal/booking team.


    I've booked the whole weekend, no camping.

    I had a giftcard and it seemed sensible to use it when there was that extra £10 off on earlybird. I might not be massively enthused by the Fri/Sun headliners, but there's always something else to go and watch (if Aerosmith don't play the two songs I know/if A7x play stuff from outside of the 2006-2009 era..)

  6. RaR/RiP seems a strong bet.


    the pre-"album #6" promo tour is probably going to be alot like the pre-LT tour was; EU festivals and then a big US run once the album's out, then some more smaller 'legs' in various continents as part of a "album #6 world tour" - Asia and maye S. America, etc.


    I just hope that the uk/EU gets included in the term "world tour" this time around though -_-

  7. All I'm going to say to finish this off is, £10 says it'll never happen.

    we'll see :P

    however, having re-read this conversation, I feel like I must apologise for appearing agressive in my first response to you. that wasn't particularly fair of me.

    It does suck that Scottish, (to a lesser extent) Welsh, and (to a massive extent) Irish/N. Irish fans miss out alot on "uk" tours, US bands often don't get that we are technically separate countries. let's see what 2014 has to offer though ;)


    Day = made.

    I am "The Day Maker"

  8. coloured vinyls are cool and whatnot, but I don't think they're all that special in comaprison to other releases - if given the choice of the HT RSD bundle or the clear disc w/out the OSC 7', I'd pick RSD every time - way nicer as a little pair of items than one fancy one..
    sure there's the 1 of 1000 thing, but they didn't even number the RSD package! which I thought was a poor choice on the marketing front..

    quick update to my list:

    • HT E.P Reissue - Underground 1 (I'm confident this one is real: darker colouration, sharper images, correct spelling of 'Joseph'...
    • Underground 2 (finally!)
    • Underground 11
    • It's Goin' Down CD-S
    • ATS double Vinyl Box Bundle (which blows my mind, favourite item)
  9. see, I reckon it'll be similar to a 2012/13 setlist just with some songs swapping in and out to accomodate HT, for example, this is Kuala Lumpur (19.09.13) edited up


    • ('over-the-PA' show intro = TINFOIL Cure For The Itch)
    • Papercut
    • Given Up
    • With You (2012 intros/outros)
    • Somewhere I Belong or Runaway
    • New Divide or Runaway (runaway spot in 5/6 is interchangeable)
    • Points Of Authority
    • Lies Greed Misery Forgotten
    • UIB/Waiting For The End
    • Breaking The Habit Pushing Me Away (maybe the piano version? give CB a break?)
    • Castle Of Glass
    • Ballad Medley By Myself
    • The Catalyst Crawling
    • Lost In The Echo
    • Numb In The End
    • What I've Done Numb
    • On Step Closer What I've Done or Bleed It Out


    • Burn It Down
    • In The End A Place For My Head
    • Bleed It Out One Step Closer

    Kuala Lumpur was an area show though, and Download might have a shorter set time ..

    if the band premiere a new song, I'd put it as being song 1 after the encore.

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