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Everything posted by Energy

  1. Hmm it's really bizare the textarea to type in is there - you can highlight text, you jsut can't get a cursor in. This is a dev machine and it is spotting a few errors on your page, so maybe it's jsut a bit more sensitive. Will see if it only affects this machine later... Could be, or it could be that he's created variations. Djs sometimes seem to just call things original mixes when they can just to diffrentiate. I've got a few tracks by different artists called 'original mixes' that are just something created later on... so it's not conclusive proof, but definetly in its favour. I hope it is... Lol at everyone thinking I was dead Nope still here. Nick n Mark must have seen me come online on msn. I've jsut been really really busy, uni, life, work, love, n play! Oh and Nick, I found flac version of the Humble Bros Remix CD-R (I think I gave you the flac for the short, but I found the long in the last few days) want it? Hosting etc?
  2. That I am - been super busy tho. Now have a masters in advanced games computing, thus solidfying my geek status. Also work as a professional web dev guy woot. BTW not being able to post on this forum with firefox is hella annoying... lol. Still trying to decide if this is actually a demo or just a remix used in a live show or something. Does he reply to tweets or anything...?
  3. ignore this post! lol Good find nice track - mis read something. Half asleep! lol
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