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Posts posted by cstebila

  1. I'm glad I'm not sharing it with people like you. Why should you expect me to leak it? Fucking appreciate the updates you're given and stop bitching. You bitch about everything it has seriously become a joke now.

    lol. chill.

  2. I can see A-Stat's point. As far as any other editing goes, I wouldn't want it at all. Also since these DSP's are by and large being sold to more devoted LP fans (either hardcore ones, or those who just came back from a show and dished out some nice money to see them already) the editing isn't really necessary, as there isn't anyone (mass audience) in particular to impress.

  3. So considering the administrator just said he see's a problem with the rules, and said he just PMed the DSP link to 21 people, and I've looked for some 5 hours now, anyone mind sending a link over to the Stuttgart show.




    you can hit me up on aim


    aim: ahybridofatheory


    if I get banned, then good bye all :( But come on Hahn just said he shared it with 21 people via PM, and he saw a problem with the rules.

  4. Nice write up! Really excited for the show tonight (though I won't be attending living in Michigan) however am pumped to hear the setlist, see some videos, etc. Interesting that it looks like Incubus will be closing the festival, essentially LP is on before them. (i could be mistaken, but the festival website makes it look that way)


    Either way pumped! Thanks for the write up, love the facts stuff like that makes LPL stand out :)

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