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Posts posted by loxias

  1. Weak minds believe everything when they're excited :D I've always thought that the name will be 'Sonora' because of that desert between Arizona and Mexico where inmigrants try to get in USA and died in their try. Damn, it would be a great title LOL

  2. A few hours ago, Mike's been chating on the LPU surprisingly. He spent some minutes in there, not very important stuff, he said Blackbirds will be available on iTunes a few days after the release of 8 bit rebellion, that the song and the game will bring loads of merchandasing like shirts (see below), ringtones, that they're not sure if they'll be performing Blackbirds in future concerts and he stated that the best comment ever of the night was:


    @LaurenLP: you should design some Ugg boots with your art. Call them THUGGS. LOL

    @mshinoda: shinoda ugg boots = blasphemy


    Posted ImagePosted Image

  3. Do you really think I'm trolling? I said it before, being a following a band and stuff doesn't mean alright, I'll defend it whatever happens. I'm just sharing my opinion, but this is stupid, if people can't respect opinion from someone who's dissappointed it's not my fault. It's just a maturity problem. If you think I got registered here just for trolling you're mistaken. I did it, I remember, when New Divide was about to get released, in May. I thought here first than other page it would appear if the song was leaked. So here's the point, I'm just sharing my thoughts with you. I was on the chat yesterday (LPU username nico_skinnyman), and if I'd wanted to waste money I think that joining LPU is not the best thing you can do. Like all of you I log here wondering if someone says 'LP have revealed the brand new album name' or everything, I know that last thing was not good, but just stop and think: Am I wrong? Man, when MTM was released I was really happy, thinking 'oh my god, this is heaven' but along the last years I've been realizing that LP is bullshit compared with other bands. And that's what I'm saying. And if it's not just because they want to, then prove it. Go and release an album like Meteora, or like Hybrid Theory. Hell, By Myself is probably the best song along the whole songs from a nu metal band. And not only that, but every song from HT. And you watch Deftones career and I think 'What happened? What the hell has happened to LP?'.


    I really hope all this secrecy around the new disk is then worthwhile. I will be happier if so.

  4. Hard words but I think I have to agree. OK, Rob is not as bad I think.

    LPs old sound was the fact that they became a name behind something new. And the free sharing idea for the DSPs was awesome. LPU was a cool platform with cds which were just created for its members. But now they are completely main stream and make a lot of pop music. This underground cds (not the right name I think) can be bought by everyone. So they are like lots of other bands now. There isn't much difference. So let's be realistic. They are bad musicians. Mike can create simple songs which I like to listen to. But it isn't possible to compare lp with the great metal bands like Slipknot or Dream Theater.

    They are much more talented. DT has lots of specials for their fans. And the albums are not 35 minutes long. They give us albums with a length of 70 minutes for less money by the way.

    That's it, finally someone who is not led by their extreme fanaticism to Linkin Park. One thing to be a follower and quite another to be a blind toady. You can't just compare A Night to Remember, from Dream Theater, with Somewhere I Belong.


    So castro, you don't know how to read? I'm just saying that NOW the other bands from the nu metal mainstream will release their albums and I'm sure they will kick the LP arses. Alright, Limp Bizkit have launched...5 albums since 1997 or stuff. Okay, you're right, but I'm not treating that theme. Deftones for example, they changed its style with Saturday Night Wrist, just like LP but one year earlier. That album is just a master piece, in my opinion (now will come LinkinJoze or whatever is called and says that I'm a fool with no sense of music and Madison cover is bullshit and everything, man, buy a doll and fuck her), they did just what LP do one year later, but there's light years between these discs. Linkin Park are just the top of the nu metal mainstream (or they were), but that doesn't mean they are music Yoda masters or whatever, here in Spain I know lots of bands with pretty much qualities than LP (like Berri Txarrak, even playing another kind of music). That's why I'm complaining. I'm not attacking LP blindly, just take some albums from Dream Theater, Tool, Anathema, Porcupine Tree, Opeth, whichever you want, and compare.


    Then go ahead and kick me whatever you want, I won't care, that's just the fucking opinion from a guy who already removed his blindfold.

  5. Thank you, just did it for fun. But I thinke there's people who cares every point about this, and I didn't do this just for being famous or stuff, just because we were boring and we said 'Dude, let's do this. It'll be cool LOL'

  6. I'm a big fan of John Frusciante's (Ex RHCP) solo career can you believe that he released SEVEN albums between the 2001 & 2005? not live album, no remix album, only original stuff

    Bad example, I'll put a better one: Dream Theater. Everyone here who knows about music (and not fucking mainstream and stuff) will understand me. Linkin Park have reached a point where its music can't go through it. I mean, they try to remake themselves but they won't do at all. Brad Delson is one of the worst guitarist of the world, the fact that he doesn't like to play solos is just an example; Rob Bourdon is not the typical crazy drummer we all are used to, he's a no technical drummer, a skinny guy like Joey Jordison (just for a example) eat him from the top to the bottom: Phoenix is the no bassist, I mean, he only do anything, move his fingers and that's all (I think he's never heard Tool); Mr. Hahn he just punches his table and just that, makes some videos and just that. And Mike paints and Chester scream and smoke dope all the time. That's a band? I don't think so.


    For years I've been following Linkin Park, its lyrics touch my heart and it's my favourite band, but it is just like listening Nirvana or some other death band: just listening the all same thing, the all same gold stuff that they won't ever be able to do again. And know we'll see real good stuff from Deftones, Limp Bizkit, Korn,..., but Linkin Park will still be there, stuck to Rick Rubin and planning what to do and what to paint and what to fuck off.


    I'm sorry, but that's the truth

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