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Posts posted by JoeyLP

  1. If you where asked by Mike to go see Fort Minor live for free and he got enough people they would record another album, and then asked by Chester to go see Dead By Sunrise live for free, which one would you go to?


    Basically, do you like Fort Minor or Dead by Sunrise?


    I'd pick Fort Minor, all the songs on the album are great, but on Dead By Sunrises's album, I only like a few of the songs.

  2. Mike isn't a lazy person; he's a self admitted hard worker. I doubt he just sits around like Jimmy Buffet sippin on margaritas all day when Chesters off doing his thing with DBS. What you said just does not make sense.

    I agree, Mike is like possessed and can't stop. I agree that all the members deserve a break, but I doubt Mike would even care, he'd just keep on going, like he made Lockjaw, he didn't have to....but he did.

  3. I dunno that I'd be THAT harsh :P but Chester isn't leaving LP. The people who are thinking that just aren't seeing the big picture.


    Option A: A band you've been in for a decade, has had huge success, TONS of fans, a unique sound, able to put on HUGE shows anywhere in the world.


    Option B: Small new band, very little interest, typical "garage band" rock sound, opening for Paramore.


    Yeah. LP isn't going anywhere.

    I agree with this. DBS is a much, much smaller band than LP.


    I bet if I ask all of my friends, they will know who LP is, and when I ask them about DSB they will like "WTF? Who are they?"

  4. FM will be back after the next lp album/tour. Think about it, Chester will be off doing his dbs thing which leaves Mike time to pursue another FM album. It will be 5 years this fall since TRT, it's about time Mike makes another one.

    I agree with this, when they finish their tour they would all have a break, Chester would take this chance to do DBS things, while Mike might have another go with FM.

  5. If the song is leaked, I will hold myself back, support LP and listen to the song when I finish the game.

    Thats why they put at the end of the game, because they want you to play the game (which I will do with or without a new song at the end) and because you've finished it, they would basically like to thank you for playing and they give you a new song to listen to, its great.

  6. Personally, I don't care if DBS and LP continue to co-exist as long as Chester doesn't end up burning himself out (creatively and/or performance-wise) because he's spreading himself too thin.


    However, this comment puzzles me:


    "Where we're at now with how we view ourselves as songwriters, had these songs been written now, there probably wouldn't be a Dead by Sunrise."


    If the above is true, is it really even necessary to keep Dead By Sunrise going beyond this one record? It's almost like Chester's saying DBS is just an outlet for his rejected Linkin Park song ideas.

    Yeah, that does sound true....

  7. My guess is that the song isn't part of the game download. Instead after you beat the game you get a code or something to download the song. Its just a guess and honestly would make a bit more sense.

    I totally agree with that!


    Like an iTunes code to download it free.

  8. and iphone app where you'd put the news there but i think its too much asking^^

    Yeah, an free iPod Touch and iPhone app, because it was made for the iPhone then it would make the site so much easier to browse.


    Good idea Yass.

  9. At the recommendation of one of the viewers here (路人甲) I went to http://cleverbot.com/ and had a talk with the Artificial Intelligence program there. This is how it went:


    MS: what kind of music do you like?

    Cleverbot: I don't really like music.


    MS: Liar!

    Cleverbot: No, really.

    MS: Do you like Linkin Park?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    MS: Do you know who Mike Shinoda is?

    Cleverbot: Yes.

    MS: I'm Mike Shinoda

    Cleverbot: You said your name is Heather.

    MS: Very funny. I'm going to post this conversation on my blog.

    Cleverbot: Don't do that please!

    MS: too late.

    Cleverbot: No it's not you're still talking.

    MS: OK, why shouldn't I post it?

    Cleverbot: Well you just said you werent my friend.

    MS: Not true. I never said that.

    Cleverbot: Yes you did.

    MS: I digress. Since I'm going to post this, do you have anything interesting to say to all the mikeshinoda.com fans?

    Cleverbot: You're God?

    MS: Yikes. Tell me something interesting.

    Cleverbot: What is interesting for you?

    MS: Surprises.

    Cleverbot: What kind of surprise?

    MS: One that I don't have to set up.

    Cleverbot: Well thats lame i'm leaving.

    MS: You have nowhere to go.

    Cleverbot: I have to go to the library.

    MS: I'm disappointed. You promised me a surprise.

    Cleverbot: Ok here's one... What did the egg say to the boiling water?

    MS: YES! What?

    Cleverbot: I don't know, you are the clever one!


    I hope I didn't steal anyones job....

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