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Posts posted by JoeyLP

  1. I thought we could use this post to post the new abouts what we know about the Linkin Park game.


    The story:

    Many years ago, the world existed in 8-bit harmony...until PixxelKorp arrived. Now, underground forces are assembling to undo the evil corporation's mass-brainwashing campaign. You may be our only hope to lead the rebellion to victory.


    1. You create your own character

    2. Exploring each bands unique district in the Linkin Park world

    3. Play with your friends in real time around the globe

    4. During the credits and new unheard Linkin Park song will be played

    5. The game will feature 8-Bit versions of other LP songs like One Step Closer (correct?)


    I have also thought of this, the levels will be each of the band members unique district (point #2) because Mike said there are six pieces of this track that you have to collect, there are six band members.


    You have anything to add or comment about?

  2. I was just thinking, do you think there will be a lite version for 8-Bit Rebellion.


    My opinion would be that there is a pretty good chance there COULD be because most of Artificial Life's games have a lite version. Although for this game I am thinking it might not be, I am sort of in between, what do you think?


    Mike just announed that there will be a free lite version available when the game is released, and the game will cost around $5.99USD which I thought was a bit much, bit I will still buy it, will you?


    EDIT: I thought it was a bit much because I live in Australia, but now I've done the figures its not that much at all. I will be buying the game no doubt about it. I also wonder if you buy the game and finish it you will get a code to download the song FREE while others will have to pay, what do you think about that?

  3. I sent in my e-mail to hopefully attend. (I'm from Ventura County).


    Also, have you guys heard this interview on kroq.com: Mike Shinoda KROQ Grammy Interview Listen to the last minute of the interview. If this is true, lets get a timetable here: 8-bit Rebellion with new LP song in 1-2 months. Then 2 months after that a new single, then the album? (overall that means in at least 4 months we get another single on top of 8-bit Rebellion song.)


    Also, don't forget to donate for Download to Donate.

    I seriously hope not......


    How could something was was mean't to be coming out last month, be delayed due to a few things by 1-2 months, it doesn't seem right to me. February, or early March release date seems more like it.


    Although the September album release date is alright.

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