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Posts posted by linkinpark1

  1. Well, everyone has heard the Step up/nobody's listening/its going down, and some POA mash ups with other FM/LP songs on intros and outros, but hat would you like to hear in a custom hip hop medley?

    I'd like:


    Step Up(Verse 1)/Dedicated (Verse 2)/High Voltage (Verse 1)/Reading My Eyes (Verse 2)

    (without hte chorus of the songs, just the rap verses, and not with their real beats, maybe with a different guitar beat or a Mr hahn beat, idc :D)


    Also somewhile ago i noticed somethin real cool, while rapping some verses (to myself), i was rapping step up, and at the part where mike goes (on the 2nd verse) "So in a battle you can't hack it

    React with whack shit" i said "So in a battle you can't hack it React with whack shit verbally with sticks and stone tactics (from high voltage, and i obviously did the rest of the verse of high voltage after that, and it sounded good, it even rhymed)

  2. I never knew this. Very interesting, thanks for the video. Wow. I thought Ap was just doing GBC now, I didn't know about this band.

    if you're into rap, you should check this rap band out, they got 2 albums out already, and their 3rd is coming out in febuary, 1 month away yay.

    their best songs are battle cry, seven, frontline, gun ballad.


    actually this rap band is just a fuse of several rap bands, they got apathy, celph and esoteric from the demigodz, crypt the warchild and planetary from outerspace, vinnie paz (this guys is the leader) and jus allah from jedi mind tricks, chief kamachi and reef the lost cauze from the juju mob, nd king magnetic, king syze, demoz, des devious, these werent part of any rap groups they were just recruited, also for their 3rd album they recruited 2 rappers more, journalist and block McCloud.

  3. I'm a great fan of rap, actually the only stuff i listen to besides rap is Linkin Park, of course i consider LP the best music ever, even tho i love rap alot, since im into rap, i listen to stuff like eminem, 50 cent, xzibit.....apathy, celph titled, "army of the pharaohs", now since army of the pharaohs is underground, i dont realy think alot of ppl will know who they are, so... they are a 15 pppl rap group which apathy and celph are part of. As everyone knows they collaborated with fort minor, and while i was lookin through some live shows of AOTP, i found a live performance of bloc party and SCOM, so i decided to post it here.


  4. well then i guess i will take out some of the shows but... i think you have to do osme corrections on the live guide cause

    11.07.2003 Atlanta, GA, Turner Field, Summer Sanitarium

    03.08.2003 Irving, TX, Texas Stadium, Summer Sanitarium

    these dont say uncirculated

    07.08.2003 Seattle, WA, Seahawk Stadium, Summer Sanitarium

    this one still has source 1 altho it says something about fans didnt know when it owuld be broadcasted some im not sure if it would be recorded.

  5. first of all, i posted this thread to talk about what i WISH THEY WOULD DO, THAT'S ALL! ITS JUST A DREAM!! YES I KNOW THEY WONT DO ANY OF ANYTHING I POSTED.

    2nd is that now that i read everythin i posted i obviously didnt put any details and you misunderstood me on some stuff.


    Obviously they can. But they have uhhh... lives? Y kno they arent robots who work on it day/night. Some bands can drop albums in a year or so they are dedicated but just because LP doesnt do it doesnt mean they are dedicated. They work, they try to have downtime they dont work EVERY SINGLE day of the year. Sometimes they might just want a nice vacation. Grow some patience?

    i know this, all i said is i would like faster albums :D , and anyways they starting writing meteora in 2001, 1 year after HT.


    LP could easily say FUCK THAT if they wanted and not include a dvd on ANY release. I swear if its one thing or another LP fans are never satisfied on the things LP does. Ever think of the costs of adding in minutes and all the technical mumbo jumbo? Its time consuming on packages and DVD shit

    if they are in the studio, like a year and a half or so in the studio? what i meant is that, they probably have alot more footage, and i meant that i would like if they put more on the dvd, thats all, i never asked for a mumbo jumbo lol.


    Both of these sound GREAT. But guess what it would take up quoteunquote STUDIO time. Which would contradict your first statement of albums dropping faster. So one or the other buddy

    ^^ totally true, just was a wish :D


    um... have you heard In Between Live? Mike has a hard time singing that IMO. He sounds like hes whispering. And as the final track on the setlist? Are you serious? We all know OSC deserves that spot. NRL is great but its not THE track that could make the explosive ending. But its not up to us what they want to play or not

    well even if osc deserves the spot, they dont play it at the end at every single show, so that means they could do an exception and yes i know mike can barely sing it.


    where the FUCK have you been in the past month and a half? Did you miss all the LP emails ads, and all this shit about LPU9 having DEMOS? Help me God you say zOMG I WANT BETTER DEMOS!!!11one! If so refer to the quote in my sig

    yes i have the lpu9! so duh! yes i know it has demos, what i meant is i would like other demos, i remember reading from an lpu chat i think (dont remember well) or from the newswire here at LPL that Rob said they had a vault with tons of LP demos, maybe for release for lpu10, what i was saying is that if they have so many demos, how many lpu's arew we gonna have to wait for to get them all, not to say that with every album there will always be more. But yeah, i would like better demos.


    Are you even reading what you are typing? Do you realize how much that would cost? To master all the tracks stick them up on probably A MILLION cds and boxes. Do you realize how much of a clusterfuck that would be ? Or how much the final package would cost? Jesus WHY R DA PHANS S000 UNREAS0NABLE!?111One1!!11olol

    i just read my post again and i realized that i left somethin out, i didnt mean that i would like a megapack that would cost thousands, i meant somethin sold in seperate CD packs, like mini LPU's which could say part 1, part 2 (whatever, somethin like that)


    everyone would. who wouldnt? Fact of the matter is there is a LOT of legal redtape surrounding the demos, LP cant release them. Didnt u see the post by Mike about She Couldn't? For legal reasons he couldnt really talk about it. So be happy we got LPU9, and all the other demos we have.

    yes i read the she couldnt post by Mike, but as i said, if Rob said they wanted to release some demos on future LPU's then there are more demos they could atleast digitally release them at ms.com since they cant put everythin on LPU's. (JUST A WISH!)


    Another reason why i think LP fans are some of the most hard headed is how they dont use common sense on things like these. 80% of the fans there arent going to KNOW the demos. Most are there because of radio singles like ITE and OSC and such. There would be a LOT of negative feedback if thats all they play were demo songs. PLUS have you ever been to an LP show? Are you just sitting down and waiting for Joe to pull a rabbit out of his ass or Mike to throw pie in Chesters face? Like seriously? Just by them STANDING THERE you should be hyped up and as soon as the riff to NMS or Given Up should be enough to get hyped. You must be going to Jonas Brother shows or something.

    *Jonos bros sux ass i hate them, they're fags

    Obviously i didnt give away enough details on this subject and you misunderstood me again.

    what i meant is that i would like them to a small tour (even atleast 1 single show) where they played some HTEP and since they say they wont drop songs from the setlist such as in the end crawling and POA, i would like them to flip it up a bit with mike atleast rappin his lyrics of untitled on ITE, maybe adding a his rap verse to crawling, and maybe his "forfeit the game/stop the talk show" demo verse to POA, stuff like that just for 1 concert so that it could be recorded, we could download the DSP and they could go back to playin the usual setlist.


    you and spraypaintandinkpens should go make a facebook group about this because

    i swear every week i read about this.

    1st. because fort minor OWNS AND EVERYONE WANTS ANOTHER RECORD.

    2nd i will contact him to do it, lol


    SURE! Go ahead and pay royalties and such to get them to agree on it. I mean the massive egotrip in there should be no problem

    well im pretty sure xzibit would collaborate with them since he joined them on PR 2003, and there wouldnt be a problem with eminem cause if you knew a lil bit about eminem you would know that he does alot of collabos with underground rappers, so if he does it with underground rappers, im sure he would do it with the greatest band of the world.


    -A mixtape by Mr Hahn with some well known rappers.

    - I'm not sure if Mr hahn is a great fan of rap, if not, atleast an instrumental album with great scratching and stuff like that

    - Full movie by Mr hahn.


    Yet once again, you want all these? Your gonna have to make LP sacrifice Studio time which means your little wah wah of dropping albums faster is contradicted.

    Did i ever say i wanted these things right now?... nop, Mr hahn could do a movie afterwards, and im pretty sure a move by him is the only thing that would probably happen from all my wishlist

    You didnt answer me about Mr hahn liking rap, can anyone else tell me if mr hahn likes rap like enough that he would make a mixtape?. (maybe hahninator can answer me?)


    Have you done your research at ALL? Warner Brothers is the parent label of Machine Shop. They are basically going nowhere if they do that. Not to mention Machine Shop is practically dead Read *HERE*

    no im not gonna do any research on warner bros cause all i know is that they are shitfaces who are holding LP back.

    and oh well to machine shop bad to hear.


    just remember i said " i wish those things would happen

    and we both know you would like all those things i posted too haha

  6. well as you can see, right under this thread, there's a thread of "the things you hate about LP", well, why dont we talk about the things they should do Instead


    -(Obviously) Drop albums faster.

    - If they're going to put a DVD on their upcoming album, well it could atleast be 1-2 hrs long, after over a year of recording they wanna put everything they did in half an hour (meteora, MTM...FUCK THAT).

    - a reanimation albums of Meteora and MTM, IDC WHAT YOU GUYS SAY, MTM WOULD SOUND GREAT REMIXED.

    - a reanimation tour, or atleast some of them played more frequently like they did with P5hng me awy, ENTH E ND and frgt/10(<<< wasnt played that much anyways -_- )

    - No roads left LIVE, ,Mike always uses a dumb excuse to say no for that, "the song takes out the best of my voice and im not sure i could do the rest of the show", PUT THE SONG AS FINAL TRACK ON THE SETLIST!.

    - better LPU's, 3,5,8 suxed (5 not so much cause it has jay-z atleast) 7(was the worse lpu of all LP history) (OMG LP, Can't you guys understand we dont want live tracks on the LPU's, WE WANT DEMOS).

    -I'd like a major album with the 150 tracks not released on MTM (mybe a 6-8 cd special edition thing) Please tell me LP, WHYSO GREEDY WITH THE DEMOS?

    -Of course i would like them to release old demos such as pictureoard and other xero demos, even hybrid theory demos, or how about some of the unreleased meteora songs.

    -Play old Hybrid theory-meteora songs, also HTEP songs would be great. Them playing the 4 xero songs = make me have a heart attack of the happyness (they said they played pictureboard with chester right after the name change to LP, cant you do it again)? T.T

    - They say that they dont play the old stuff cause the rest of the guys dont like to and cause they only like to play the popular songs such as in the end, crawling and POA, OMG you're not gonna die if you play 1 SINGLE TOUR WITH ONLY RARE DEMO SONGS!, ok, it's impossible for you guys to drop the popular songs, how about you play them a single show in their demo versions, ALL YOU GOTTA DO IS SWITCH THE VOCALS UP MIKE, I dont even care if its the same sound (then we would have the live recording and you guys could go back to your same old boring concerts)

    - another fort minor album would be nice

    - An LP mixtape, like mike did with We Major, but instead of featuring underground rappers (yes rappers cause i would like to see LP collaborate with rappers) they could feature rappers such as Eminem, xzibit (again) 50 cent, obie trice, D12.

    I would also like to see them with some undeground rappers such as apathy, celph titled, esoteric, SOB, or with any members of "Army Of The Pharaohs" (any rap-likers should check out army of the pharaohs, its a 16 rap group, apathy and celph are members) HELL i'd even like if Mike joined them (they recruit rappers every album release).

    -A mixtape by Mr Hahn with some well known rappers.

    - I'm not sure if Mr hahn is a great fan of rap, if not, atleast an instrumental album with great scratching and stuff like that

    - Full movie by Mr hahn.

    -And finally...Leave Warner Bros and join Machine Shop!

  7. well ok i guess i can let rapid city go, but, when i asked for Ivine and Houston shows, i asked because i knew they were used for the live in texas, but i'm not asking for any official material, all i wanted were nice aud recordings of those shows, so i could hear the versions of the songs that werent on the dvd, also so i could hear all the talking and so it wouldnt be ll mixed up and stuff like that.

  8. I voted acoss the line, across the line and she couldn't totally beat new divide, i think i like ATL and she couldnt the same or maybe even a lil bit more love for she couldn't cause its so soft and stuf like that, but across the line has much better quality so i gave it the vote

  9. I Would like if anyone could upload the following shows in mp3 and to megaupload or rapidshare or any direct download hosts, no torrents pls >.<


    projekt revolution:


    26.04.2003 Rapid City, SD, Rushmore Plaza Civic Center, Projekt Revolution Tour


    *and also summer sanitarium shows, i'm NOT DEMANDING to be given all these shows, just the ones you would be so kind to upload :D. It's just that i only have like 3 shows of summer sanitarium and i would like to have more shows of the good old days of figure.09 and p5hng me awy.


    Summer sanitarium:

    <a href="http://"http://www.lplive.net/shows/20030705.php"" target="_blank">05.07.2003 Toronto, ON, SkyDome, Summer Sanitarium

    06.07.2003 Foxboro, MA, Gillette Stadium, Summer Sanitarium

    </a>11.07.2003 Atlanta, GA, Turner Field, Summer Sanitarium

    12.07.2003 Philadelphia, PA, Veteran's Stadium, Summer Sanitarium

    13.07.2003 Orlando, FL, Citrus Bowl, Summer Sanitarium

    20.07.2003 Montreal, QC, Parc Jean Drapeau, Summer Sanitarium

    26.07.2003 Cicero, IL, Hawthorne Racetrack, Summer Sanitarium

    27.07.2003 Minneapolis, MN, Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome, Summer Sanitarium

    02.08.2003 Houston, TX, Reliant Field, Summer Sanitarium

    03.08.2003 Irving, TX, Texas Stadium, Summer Sanitarium

    07.08.2003 Seattle, WA, Seahawk Stadium, Summer Sanitarium

    10.08.2003 San Francisco, CA, 3Com Park at Candlestick, Summer Sanitarium


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