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Posts posted by franticfreak

  1. How will you know that the whole crowd was lame? you cant see much on sckofenlg videos


    I can fully understand the crowd who was in the back or smtg cause they werent able to see anything, no video walls, sound was not loud etc etc.

    I would leave the show too then :)




    Nevermind, forget what i said lol, crowd was really lame xD but my statement about the video walls is true i think....i would be pissed

  2. Listen ppl


    1. All of you know that LP is a band who like to watch their show before they give the OK to air it (it was the same at RaR 2007)

    2. I spoke to ppl who went to RaR and everyone told me that the sound mix was horrible, the video screens just showed some animated videos and not the stage/band

    3. Just relax and wait for tomorrow, maybe we´ll get any info. On June 9 and June 10 EinsPlus will air 3 Hours Rock am Ring XXL Special, maybe they will show us smtg th


    01. The Requiem

    02. Wretches & Kings

    03. Papercut

    04. Given Up

    05. New Divide

    06. Faint

    07. Empty Spaces

    08. When They Come For Me

    09. No More Sorrow

    10. Jornada Del Muerto

    11. Waiting For The End

    12. Wisdom, Justice, & Love

    13. Iridescent

    14. Numb

    15. Breaking The Habit

    16. Shadow Of The Day

    17. Crawling

    18. One Step Closer


    19. Fallout

    20. The Catalyst

    21. The Messenger

    22. In The End

    23. What I've Done

    24. Bleed It Out (APFMH during it )



    I have the full show on video, i HOPE that Ana did some great videos too wich she can give me maybe for a mix :)



  4. Im just back....im pretty upset :(


    The show was just about 90 mins (but it felt like 60 or less for me) New songs were okay live...but nutin special, the crowd also seemd to not like them ALOT, on the older songs they get nuts.


    Too bad they didnt played APFMH again, they just played the first verse of it during BIO....Damm and i was so hoping for the full song like the paris people got :(


    I will upload my videos right now, should be up in few hours

  5. In days with youtube and co. A band should rotate their set in my eyes! Even when you just visit 1 show, you already know each song they play!


    But its a old story, you cant make every fan happy. LP Decided to fuck our ears with their new crap, so we (the HT, meteora fans) have to accept that, its sad, but true!

  6. Still the best LP album until today :) I bought it the day it came out and i was WOW, cause i just known OST and Crawling (there wasnt youtube or smtg back in 2000´s) the album realy blow my mind, and it still does. Every single song is 10/10


    my fav is With you and Runaway, too bad that Lp dont play those 2 songs since years....

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