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Posts posted by Elaine

  1. my girl is about 2 give birth to my child but im not really paying attention to her...im more focus on this big LP news.....hurry mike....lol jk it would be funny if it was true

    I almost through you were serious there for a second. :o

  2. youre going to school...and im going to bed. im sure this thread will have 34242 posts in 10 hours when i wake up...praying i wake up to good news..

    I'll still be up when he makes the announcement, I hope. Its only 5:21 pm here.

  3. 2 hours until the day ends on california, mike doesn't know the world schedule :P

    and i don't think he sleeps so early, he probably is awake now and waiting the twitter back

    He'd probably put it on his blog if anything, imo.

  4. just wondering...how you got that percentage lol

    Because Mike dosen't seem the kinda guy who'd pull a prank like that. :)


    Would you prefer i said 99.9998%?


    And I just drank 1.5 liters of Mountain Dew. :)

  5. I wonder if Mike is asleep right now? I mean he must be pretty drained after a hard days work recording a music video...it's not like he's in the studio late evrynight addicting himself to the point of extent on trail mix and coffee lmao...Where's the announcement! lol

    He's just building up the suspense. I bet he'll post it a minute after midnight when everyone's thinking "Awww... no announcement today..."

  6. Gotta love that about the LPL members...


    ::chester sneezes:: What? New album info?? IIIIIIIII CAAAAAAAAAAANNNNTTTTTTT WAIT!!!!!!!!!11!!1!!11!!!!!one!!!!1!1!!


  7. they are probably doing this on purpose

    Nah, an anti-fan blackmailed twitter....


    J/K. I'm sure there will be an announcement soon. I hope so, at least.


    Edit: Twitter back down, people!! :o

  8. Goodnight everyone. Keeping window open in case of late night bathroom run/LP news update. Hope I don't miss too much. Probably a UStream announcement of the single and release date.... ;) See you in the morning.

    G'night, LPfreak64!! I'm lucky on my side of the world its still early afternoon! lol.

  9. Astat, any reason/theory to the long delay, announcements aren't usually announced this late.

    Maybe LP is having internet problems?


    And to the above poster; nah, they'll announce it only minutes to midnight. Not that I know, however, that's all just speculation.

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