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About Voeps

  • Birthday 02/18/1990

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  • Location
    Tucson, Az
  1. So was pretty upset when I didnt see any AZ dates.. Until I saw they were playing in Vegas the day after I turn 21!!! Just hope im not too sick from the night before to go =)
  2. Radio Man: "Has the band received any negative feedback about the 'rapist in Linkin Park'?" Chester: "No, all the feedback has been really positive" LOL
  3. I know that nothing special was said during the non recorded section of the UStream chat but I went ahead and uploaded my recordings on youtube anyways. Im sure someone will enjoy it. Part 1: Part 2: ENJOY!
  4. Just thought I would let you guys know that Mike is doing a Question and answer on his blog. Respond to his blog post now and he is going to choose some to answer. Hope we get some good questions answered!!
  5. Started about 30 min ago. Mostly just Download to Donate info thus far.
  6. Well just got back from the concert and have to say I was very pleased. I agree chester wasn't at his best during the slower songs but standing 2 people away from the front in the dead center I could tell that he was really giving it his all for each song. DBS played good but the majority of the crowd hated them. At least 3 bottles were thrown at DBS and they were consistently boo'ed and flipped-off after each song (or at least the crowd around me were). when DBS finished I could tell Chester was pissed; he just stormed off the stage. When LP came back for their second encore the TOOL fans just got even more pissed, which led to the bottle being thrown at Mike. With both Mike and Chester not being happy with the crowd, I felt the second encore was a bit weak. I really think DBS is great but coming out during the LP set was not a good idea. If LP was headlining the show it would of been fine but coming out to a bunch of anxious TOOL fans was a bad choice. Would have made more sense to me if DBS came out to play their own short set list outside of LP's. Aside from the disrespectful TOOL fans I really had a good time and enjoyed LP's set. (Yes, even though it was the same) PS: I caught a drum stick from Rob but some TOOL fan who couldn't stand LP insisted on taking it for his "rock band set" LOL....
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