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Everything posted by Trang

  1. If they recorded for the DSP, why wasn't it released? Didn't the choir sing over the AMEN?
  2. I'm sorry, but what's AMBO intro for What I've Done?
  3. So, which you guys think was the best one? I want a single live New Divide but I didn't heard the DSPs, so could you please point me the best?
  4. So, I heard Hands Held High had an organ intro and also a children choir... But I couldn't find the DSP for it. Is there a proshot? Thank you.
  5. http://www.lplive.net/livelist.php Not a correction but a possible addition: As they've performed a Hands/What I've Done on 12/07/08 (Toronto) shouldn't it be mentioned under the PoA and Hands/Crawling mashup? I know Hands was not rapped over WID intro so I don't know if it's considered a mash-up, but maybe this went unnoticed (They come as a single song on the DSP I think).
  6. They used the exact same edit from the DSP? Or are they different edits?
  7. I tried to find it for the live songs but couldn't. Anyone?
  8. Oh sorry, I didn't know that. I don't usually pay attention to setlists, and I said that because the song is not included on z.weirz Best of World Tour 08... I thought he would include all songs on it.Thanks for the info. I hope to hear NRL someday. I guess he has the vocals to do it but it's strange he never did. May you tell me in what show did he rap Dedicated into PoA?
  9. It leaked, finally... LP Live and other sites brought the news. I'm not downloading it 'til a get a certified trustworthy link, though. Maybe tomorrow or the Morning After (RÁ).
  10. Should we find it weird that Mike never actually sung In Between or No Roads Left live? Fans were almost dying for the second one, and he didn't sing, not even to close the tour with honors. I'm kind of concerned about it. Opinions?
  11. Does Mike sing on this one or is the just producer or something like that?
  12. Trang

    PoA Outro

    So, this is from z.wierz "best of", but I can't say the outro song. Anyone please? http://www.megaupload.com/?d=BY8387SE BTW, I know this isn't on the required title format but I thought a "[REQ]" would mislead people on thinking I wanted some song. Thank you
  13. Yet, I meant the DVD... Why the h*** wasn't the entire setlist on? The only difference between the cd and the dvd is Wake.
  14. So, I'd downloaded a DSP version of Milton Keynes' concert, and something bothered me: Since the show came out as an live album, I thought the DVD would contain the entire setlist. BUT, the DSP I downloaded has 22 songs, that's 3 more than the DVD. To point: Somewhere I Belong, Papercut and Points. Can someone clear this up for me please?
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