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  • Birthday 02/03/1992

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  1. Great show. Does It Offend You? Yeah played a very short set (30 mins ish) LP came on at 8:45. Plenty of talking from both Chester and Mike. Brad pulled out the megaphone which was pretty cool (not sure if he always does that?) Loving how the LPU guys knew the extended live outro on faint, sounded sick and they played it really well.
  2. I'm sat in my seat waiting for the show. Having seen the setlist posted in this thread I'm pretty damn excited Bought the DSP to, the slip case is really sweet.
  3. I'm sat in my seat waiting for the show. Having seen the setlist posted in this thread I'm pretty damn excited Bought the DSP to, the slip case is really sweet.
  4. I couldn't see if there was already a thread for our remix's to be posted but this is mine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3FwUNv5-GA I've added nothing and I've used all the stems, I might add delayed guitars over the ending but the main problem is finding drums that fit the vocals.
  5. What is your favorite Linkin Park live moment and why? From 2000 to now, whether it's a show you've been to or not, what is your favorite moment of the band's live history? Sonisphere Knebworth 2009: Shadow of the Day ends and the crowd cheers, Mike says thank you. The lights go out but because im quite close to the stage (left hand side) I spot Mike walk forward and Chester go over to the drums to have a drink. I hear "Turn my mic up louder I got to say something", no music just Mike rapping, im standing next to people ive never met before and none of them are singing but one, i tap him on the shoulder and he turns round to have me screaming the lyrics right back at him. We both scream the whole song, no breaks, no stops to catch our breath. It gets to the end and we both have huge smiles on our faces, I shake his hand and move to the mosh for Crawling, never to see him again. Best moment at any gig ive ever been to.
  6. Love J-K, be awesome to win something, good idea too.
  7. Im going to try and get my camera in and take some good pictures, cant see the video being fantastic though.
  8. Anyone planing to record these shows? Ide love to but ive not got the technology required.
  9. Yeah il be there too Im Lawrence Yule.
  10. London! Get a meeting point and lets grab some beers before the show, who's in ?
  11. **LINK TO OFFICIAL TRACK REMOVED** Good quality. Good song.
  12. Had my hopes up for a second there Really want proshot of Hands Held High - the highlight of the whole weekend for me.
  13. Avenged is up. not brilliant quality but not terrible, worse than the LP recording though. Also i bought the audio for metallica at knebworth from livemetallica.com - i recommend to everyone.
  14. Managed to get signed up to DIME, il give you a heads up when avenged becomes available. Airbourne and Feeder were awesome, downloading them now. Also i dont know if this has already been pointed out but in the LP download, "Fire" and "Crawl Back In" need to be switched round (fire is after crawl back in).
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