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Posts posted by JayS

  1. Your username: JaySinkie

    Username of your nominee: Nameless

    Which prize they would receive: LPU CDs

    Reason for nomination: Because along with running his own LP fan-site, he's also become a staple member here on LPL, and his posts are always enjoyable to read. It would be nice to have someone who contributes regularly, plus someone who isn't able to participate in the U.S.-only contests win such a great prize pack.

  2. Gang vocals?!?!? This is going to be the BEST LP album ever.

    When Mike first said that, I thought of lyrical content, not 'everybody in the LP gang is going to provide vocals'.

    I thought it was going to be Magic Doors (Remix) all over again, haha. But then he clarified.



    Didn't they say they were creating a new format/way to listen and enjoy music? They were saying a lot of crazy things about this album way back lol

    They (Chester, I believe) said that idea was scrapped AGES ago - it was going to be far too complicated to do what they had originally envisioned, so they abandoned the multi-medium album idea.

  3. I couldn't tell if that was sarcasm or not, but I only have love for you guys. Just trying to make someone smile, and I bet it was Jack who smiled. :P. If you found offense, I apologize man.


    As for Blackbirds, I'm pretty sure it will be a U.S. Digital version release.


    It was just a joke (and a bad one at that), haha - nothing against you at all, man.

  4. 320 kbs. cool



    iTunes runs at 256kbps MPEG-4 Audio (aka AAC).



    The album has been taken down from NZ itunes now, how weird.

    Warner listened to the fans, and will now remove Blackbirds as a bonus track.

    Thousands will complain. Such is the Circle of LP Fans....

  5. I dont think Chester would sit in a pool fully clothed for a promo shot :D

    Better than Chester sitting in a pool fully naked for a promo shot....



    The pics are interesting, the Shinoda one gives me a sort of new-age HT vibe for some reason (I think it's the curtains....); I had already seen the vids, but I love how much LP are utilizing the Topspin platform (widgets) for promotion+downloads, etc.

  6. EDIT ::

    The chat is now over. Check the highlights below!




    RYU, Apathy, Scoop DeVille, and Ian C. Rogers are video-chatting live via StickCam ::





    They played 3 new track snippets ::

    1. Dancing On Your Grave (feat. Brevi)

    2. non-album, throw away track

    3. I Love L.A. (feat. Brevi)


    They're also discussing album titles for the new record, including ::




    Jacuzzi Does It



    Highlights ::


    *The Damon Black track is a megamix style track

    *The GBC KickStarter vinyls will soon be pressed up and sent out, now that the music is mostly finished.

    *RYU gets attacked by a wild squirrel-eating turkey

    *Scoop and Apathy legally change their names

    *RYU has talked with Mike Shinoda about Scoop remixing "The Catalyst"

    *"Shadow of the Day" and "Faint" are RYU's favorite Linkin Park tracks

    *Ap's favorite Linkin Park track is "Mo' Money Mo' Problems" by Biggie Smalls

    *Apathy's "Honkey Kong" album is "around 60% done"

    *A new Bishop Lamont track feat. RYU and Scoop DeVille is coming out soon

    *Busta Rhymes is a confirmed feature on the new GBC LP

    *Ian is helping get the new S.O.B record out "in the next few months"

  7. they are pretty good though

    I enjoy their stuff (I got their first Linkin Park CD way back); I just find it funny that they've got it all up and ready for pre-order when they probably don't have anything even recorded or designed yet.



    But to stay on topic, I'm curious as to what we'll get for bonus materials/discs/DVDs.

    I could see the winning fan-mix as being iTunes-only, but that's the only speculation I have at this point.


    EDIT ::

    I could see the winning fan-mix as being iTunes-only, but that's the only speculation I have at this point.

    According to official rules ::

    "plus the opportunity for the winning Submission to be included as a bonus track on a Linkin Park studio album sold exclusively through Best Buy retail locations."


    Never mind....

  8. Working on getting you guys an HD version soon.


    Just be sure to put an medical disclaimer on the HD version; "WARNING: Do not stare intently at the images, or they'll chop up your brainwaves."

  9. To clear this for one last time: Brandon is NOT on Twitter and has NEVER been. Even Amir once tweeted that the bbelsk1 account is NOT Brandon's account. And we asked Brandon at the DBS tour and he also said he was never on Twitter and someone must have pretended to be him. It's also quite obvious because this bbelsk1 guy regularly posts tweets for his zodiac sign Aries, and Brandon is not Aries since he was born in December... *lol*

    I wonder how many followers bbelsk1 just lost; I know he just lost me (I had no clue it wasn't a legit account - I just knew I wished he Tweeted more about his music, and less about his zodiac....)

  10. ....Church seems more excited about the new music than any of the members of the band for some reason.

    Church is excited about all things, everywhere, all of the time.

    Or angry; sometimes he's angry about all things, everywhere, all of the time too.

  11. WOW. Did not even think of this ever happening.

    This would explain him not being involved in the recent J-K videos+video chats though.


    It's sad that he parted ways with the rest of the group, but at least they're still on friendly terms with each other; I think when DBS comes back there's a chance Brandon will return.


    Plus, FU's awesome, and a nice guy, so he should do well taking Brandon's place.

  12. iPunk (who have done several remixes for Julien-K) will release an official remix of the Dead By Sunrise track "My Suffering".


    The free download will be made available on June 14th, exclusively at http://www.InsideTheTourBus.com/



    Check out the Teaser Trailer for the Remix here ::




    UPDATE ::

    The remix is now live for free MP3 download; check it! ::



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