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Everything posted by Vesanic

  1. Nice ending screaming. Now all of you guys go away and REST.
  2. Even when he's in full shape, his screamings and " normal " voice lack of deepness.
  3. I like Brad's attitude. Like: " Hey, come on guys, let's enjoy this anyway. "
  4. Chester should think about some surgery or another medical treatment.
  5. Damn, Chester didn't even scream the break.
  6. This is seriously one of the dumbest things I've ever read.
  7. People want Tool.
  8. New Divide. What a surprise. - -
  9. A song written 11years ago played now. And not fully. Seems like LP was never in a hurry, huh ?
  10. Damn. DBS set and Session are probably the best part from that concert so far.
  11. Stuff that we heard and re heard during the last 3 years. But oh well, I'm nuts. You remember some stuff like Runaway, Forgotten, Hit the Floor, Figure.09, And One ? You know, these olds songs of their they could play ? But hey, I'm nuts.
  12. I wish they could. Seriously, why didn't Mike even rapped the verses of Dedicated ?! Everybody loved that ! I know they're not a fucking a jukebox, but THEY KNOW we want some new stuff !
  14. Computers of everybody lags.
  15. Chester doesn't sound good at all. Damn, what the fuck happenned to that band ?!
  16. And no fuckin' Tool. Fuck them. I love their music, but I can't stand their attitude.
  17. Always the same old stuff. Tired of this, seriously. This show is not intense at ALL.
  18. Vaguely ? What the - ? And my source is that this was just before Head Up, the same one which we can see an excerpt from on The Chemist video, plus, my brother was at this show, is that okay for you ? If you confuse Bennington with Richards, that's bad, really.
  19. Yeah, it's misleading, errors happen. And if you can't recognize Chester's screamings nor Mike's voice, that's bad. I'm also sure that you will tell me that it's not Chester à 04:30, right ?
  20. Great stuff indeed, although I don't like New Divide. Anyway, don't know if anyone's interested or if it's even worth posting, but you guys know that LP toured with the Deftones back in 2001. You also know that Chester came onstage to sing Head Up several times. Do you know about The Boy's Republic ? Chester pulls out some tights screamings while Chino's singing. Check it out: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=OX36GLG4 First of his screamings is onwards 02:01. And you can hear Mike saying " Give it out to the fuckin' Deftones right now " on the mic at 02:26.
  21. Please guys, ask Phoenix something for me, as I'm not an LPUer... Ask him if LP is going to come in Belgium or not. If not, ask him why. The only time they came here, it was in 2001, as the Deftones opening act...
  22. Germany, France, Netherlands, Switzerland... LP went everywhere around my country, Belgium. But they came here just once, in 2001, supporting Deftones tour... Fuck that.
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