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  1. Qwerty (proshot) is also avilable by paying 4000yen. http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_228016071.html?u=5667080 I conformed to the auctioneer that 09.QWERTY(live ver.) is long proshot ver.
  2. I don't know why uploader did so. But, 2hours ago, it was publicized.
  3. Numb, Faint and One Step Closer have been made available in proshot form from Summer Sonic 2009! Check it out right here on YouTube. Great camera angles! YouTube HD rip here. Enjoy!
  4. I went to live in Osaka! And came back to home now. The setlist is true of what Felipeintheend mentioned. DBS played 3 songs.
  5. Sorry for being late for replying, cause I don't realize this thread! I'm Japanese, and I watched that TV show! But, unfourtunately, my bad, I didn't record TV >< From now, I'm serching for the clip for you, guys. And, if you have something that you let me translate into Japanese, plz tell me.
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