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  1. It's all very exciting! So thrilled to see them happy n getting this second chance and it is going WELL!!! I did get a little teary seeing "the huddle", the one we've seen a hundred times, but now there's different folks.. hurt a bit. But we'll see it a hundred times more n new sacred traditions will be forged. Wonderful to see old staff, old friends still in the mix. Speaks volumes about this band. 👍
  2. As an introvert, one can recognize another one, and we all know he's clearly introverted. He didn't like photo shoots, wasn't fond of video making. It's quite astounding the things he's done for 20 years. I couldn't do it. He's my favorite, and I'm devastated to know we will never see him again, never see him play. His entire adult life has been this band. I feel he just wants peace n quiet now. I hope people leave him alone during this crazy circus time w the resurgence. We don't know the trauma Chester's death n absence has done to him. If he "can't" anymore, I get it. But I sure don't like it. He doesn't owe us anything, he thanked n was appreciative in that last video.. But I sure will miss him. His quiet, his awkwardness, and that power that came out full force when he sat behind that kit. Now I have to mourn him like I did Chester. It's an abrupt gut punch n so far, I'm still having a hard time. Very sad for both band and fans.
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