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  • Birthday June 17

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  1. Thank you for these very nice words. I think the band is actually considering coming to China, I think I heard about this in an interview. But we don't know exactly when they'd be able to come, considering certain limitations in reality. Maybe we'll see them in 2026 or 2027, hopefully.
  2. Ahhhh I'm really jealous, and since fans in China usually don't post on LPLive, I think I should express this jealousy for them too😡 And I do feel for Austrilian friends, haha. Tbh we have been anticipating a China tour eagerly ever since September, since the last lp tour was in 2015, and there were only five shows back then. A lot of people have expressed their regret of not getting tickets to these shows. But there seem to be some problems (as expected), and we've been left out, at least until now. AND we're not gonna be able to fly around the world just for a show. Some of us are able to go to South Korea, Japan or Indonesia, and others may be studying abroad in Europe or America so that they may consider going to local shows. But most of us are busy guys who can only consider shows near home. So promise me you won't forget us, all right😂Please...
  3. Asia pls...😭
  4. I definitely agree. This countdown-countup thing is not a clever move at all... Checked out the news first thing I woke up, and all we've got is another count-up...Nearly another week to go before we find the answer when we thought it was already over(pun intended)...That's really frustrating for the fans. Why on earth would Linkin Park need to attract attention through such a bad joke, as the fact that they're coming back is already exciting enough? And does anyone sincerely enjoy trying to solve cryptic riddles on a timer, more than getting news and music straight away? Every single LP fan here in my local community was like WTF when they found out😂 If you have to say it's more exciting now, the only reason I can come up with is that LP must be holding something really really huge, something that's worth all the hype and suspense and backlash this timer has created, not just casual reunion shows or something. But personally, I do think they should at least give us an album and a round of touring to make up for what they have done to us (alright, just kidding😂
  5. Wellllllllllllllllll I'm currently in Beijing, that's UTC+8 here
  6. Well I live in another time zone and I haven't had breakfast yet😂
  7. I agree with BeardyWilderness. This is not funny at all.
  8. The clash that has been going on here for some time is simply a fundamental disagreement in the definition of the concept Linkin Park. You guys are simply not talking about the same thing, so agreement can never be reached. Subs talks about LP in a narrow sense——the LP with Chester. But Chester's voice is a trait of LP(perhaps a very iconic one), not LP itself. But the others who disagree define LP in a general sense. Linkin Park as a band is dynamically changing and constantly evolving. In this whole course of evolution, there are definitely many traits in LP. And when we say something is not LP, it means that the LP now doesn't have the traits that used to be there. But we should define LP by the things they do, not only by the things they had formerly done, and definitely not what we think they should do. What Subs means by saying LP without CB is not LP actually is that LP without CB is not the LP that it used to be, the classic LP that many of us love. Because Chester's vocals is a very iconic trait in LP's music, something we might have lost forever. Just like when we say MTM is not LP, we mean that the LP style in the former two albums are mostly not present in MTM anymore. But MTM contains new LP traits, new music DNA, and these traits are still a part of LP. And it's totally fine if anyone is highly emotionally attached to LP with a particular trait, but they should (and can) agree at the same time that even the most symbolic trait is not everything about LP. LP with a new vocalist is still LP in the general sense, simply with new traits. PS: Sorry if my expressions sound a bit cryptic, I'm used to using formal and logical languange, but not the language online.
  9. Pretty excited. Not just me, there's already a lot of hype building up among the fans in my local area (most of them probably don't get on lpl tho), dreaming about new music and tours. Definitely something big coming, I dunno what it is. Maybe some live shows, also we might get new music. If there really is a new female vocalist, I hope she'll be decent. All we can do now is to wait for the countdown to end. I just hope the fans would be tolerant and open-minded. Many may be against the idea of a new vocalist or something, and I do understand their feelings. Chester can't, and will never be replaced, but there's no need to get locked up inside the past, right? I look forward to getting new stuff from the band, and it's great they're moving on after so many years of status quo. We have the freedom like or dislike any LP's decisions, but please at least respect others.
  10. 1- Lies greed misery 2- Honestly I don't know which demo is the worst...
  11. It might be epic but strange
  12. Actually I like both, but I think the structure of the lyrics of the finished product is better.
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