I've always disagreed when people said A Thousand Suns and One More Light were the band selling out. I believe those were the band's genuine creations, not because "MtM was big" or "Hunting Party metal didn't do well so let's go pop". Even Happy Endings, a song that undeniably fits in today's pop genre, does not qualify as a sellout in my book. A song's genre has nothing to do with selling out.
Unfortunately, this statement by Mike is drifting into that sellout narrative and yes, I am taking this out of context. Like Justin said up there it's like he's "saying the quiet part out loud" and that just invites other people to take it out of context, possibly with harsher words than I do.
All that said, do I want more songs from Mike and maybe an album? Absolutely. But I don't want the sales/reception of a single song to be that album's sole motivation.