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Posts posted by HybridT

  1. Yeah, if they're just hearing the final album in sequence for the first time now, we're still several weeks away from hearing anything. Album may or may not be mastered yet, single may not have been chosen yet, artwork/album title/final track titles may not be decided on, promotion plans probably aren't finished yet...



  2. Yes, many people have been saying that. It's definitely finished at this point, IMO. I mean they were working on mixing it at the beginning of December and it's now basically February. But even if it weren't 100% done, at least the single is, IMO. So I think we will be seeing the release of the single this week, especially with the new news about Chester being at Apple HQ today, which is where Zane Lowe does his shit now, etc.

    I don't know why people are still thinking that we're going to get a single this week. We won't get anything until March for sure.

  3. I'm pretty sure Mike snuck the album name in his Instagram story. 3rd post to it, it's a video. I can't make it out but it's on a sheet of paper with most of it covered by a green cloth. Can anyone make it out?

    Actually, I can see a word after 'Album 7'. Maybe is a 'B', 'D' or an 'L'? Who knows? The hype is killing me lol!

  4. Why do you say that?


    It seems to close next week, I can't see that happen. And everytime LP do a music video, they always release it one or two months later. The Catalyst comes to my mind, they announced they were shooting a video in June and they released it in August 2010.


    He's Mike Shinoda.



  5. I can't be sure obviously, but it's what I think. I don't think they have any intention of releasing anything until about March at the LEAST. That's why I said June for the album. I mean, it looks like they are still in the studio, for one, judging by recent things they have posted in 2017. We still don't have a single yet. We have literally no information at all about the album or single or anything about the process whatsoever. They announced tour dates for May, June and July as of right now, and I'm positive that the touring cycle will start in May at this point. No way that the album is out before they start the touring cycle in May. And they won't release a single until a month or two before the album release, so that's why I said April. It sucks, yes, and it is too long, IMO, but most of the fans here don't seem to mind the severely long wait for whatever reason, so fuck it. I'm basically considered an asshole for complaining about the wait among the people on this site.

    I understand you, and I agree in a part with you. Actually I've said that the single is going to be released in March with a May release for the album. And yeah, I also think that the tour is going to start in May with maybe a couple of shows in the US.

  6. I voted for another date. I think it will be April. I think they're going to release the album in June. It sucks but I don't really care. I'm waiting for the U.S. Tour dates more than anything and I know those aren't coming yet.

    June? Are you sure? That's too late! I mean, they are going to start touring in May or even sooner and by that time the album must be released.

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