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About Dennis

  • Birthday 02/25/1987

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    Rohnert Park, CA

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  1. bleed it out LIVE at mliton keynes.. hands down.. simply amazing. as for Studio not live, Easier To Run aint a bad one, but i just heard Across The Line, and i LOVE the drums in that one.. great drum work right there.. i think thats my favorite by him
  2. Michael Bay didnt do Jason.. he just produced it, not directed.. big difference. he's produced hella lame ass horror films (jason, texas chainsaw messacre, Friday the 13th, The Amityville Horror, etc..) and he's Directed (Transformers, The Island, both Bad Boys, Pearl Harbour, Armeggeddon and The Rock) And all those films are either romance/comedy and kick ass action.. i do agree, Bay is not a very good director, but he knows how to blow shit up, and he does that in all of his films, especially Transformers. ill see the new one cuz i saw the first one and it waz decent. but plus im more siked cuz of LP will be in it again.. fuck yeah!!! new song baby!!
  3. i saw them play Step Up / Nobody's Listening / Its Goin' Down in 2004 and it waz fuckin sick as hell.. but i love them to bring back QWERTY. great fuckin song, by far the heaviest song they ever done.. it be great in the Pit.. but they'll probablly wont play it now since it wasnt on M2M.. but ill love to hear that shit
  4. KoRn, Jay-Z, Busta Ryhmes, Deftones, MuDvAyNe.. that would be fuckin sick as hell
  5. ya got the mp3 of that version of SIB from Madison Sq. Garden? cuz ill love to hear it..
  6. man oh man, this is a VERY tuff one..really tuff. i mean, i love mostly every single song LP has ever done.. so i don't even know if these are my top three lol so here goes nothing. 1. A Place For My Head - Just simply amazing.. creepy bass guitar intro until the drums come in, then Mike starts rapping with great lyrics.. and the bridge? WOW. "you, try to take the best of me.. GO AWAY!!!" FUCK YEAH!! and its amazing live.. On Live In Texas, Mike rapping while Chester screaming in the background.. awesome as fuck. 2. One Step Closer - just an LP classic and why there famous today with also an incredible music video. just a great heavy song that makes you wanna get pissed off and just mosh and head bang.. and of course, "SHUT UP WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU!!!" just amazing bridge and even better live with the 'Reanimation' bridge along with it.. oh yeah, cant forget about how awesome the intro/outro of the song is during Live in '08.. just a great song. 3. Faint - Fuck Yeah. just love this song. everything about it. the intro with the violin, the fast pace drums and then kicks in with an AMAZING intro.. great rapping, great screaming, amazing bridge, "HEAR ME OUT NOW".. and great Live Heavy Metal Outro during 07 and 08 with also a great Guitar Solo by Brad and great Screaming by Chester.. just amazing Live and Studio. well, i guess i Love LP more when there Heavy!! but i love em all
  7. haha! its all good bro.. yeah when ya wrote this thread i waz like huh? it sounds pretty damn good!! but i gotta admit, the sound on the CD is good an all, but not even lose to the DVD. ya cant play it loud on the CD cuz its to much distortion in the Heavy Songs, which kinda hurts your ears, to much bass. still good sound, but much better quality on Live In Texas and any other of their Live LPU songs.. still a FANTASTIC DVD.. fuckin amazing
  8. amen brother, amen. hell yeah he'll be one of the greatest singers of all time.. LP will continue to make great albums for many years to come.. and he'll learn to sing in a different awesome 'Chazy Chaz' style..haha
  9. yeah i expected you being an singer, and im sry if i affended you.. but every time i hear Chester sing, i hear greatness.. never dissapoints me.. but maybe since you sing, you see badness in his voice i guess.. but last year, 'Faint' from LPU 7? WOW. he is AMAZING in that live version. "I WONT BE IGNORED!!" every time i hear him scream in that Outro i just wanna fuckin haeadbang and go fuckin nuts.. but i understand where your getting at, he's getting older and ENVENTULALLY he's gonna lose his screaming touch.. but as for him singing? he's still an amazing vocalist and will be one of the great Rock vocalists of all time, and i believe he'll continue to have a great singing voice for the rest of his career.. but yeah im sry if i insulted you in anyway of you being a singer, im sry.
  10. well, he alwayz sounds great to me. you guys are just to critical. and he sounded terrible in Live 8? WOW. to me that waz the best "breaking the habit" they have ever done..he sanged/screamed great in that version. cant believe you said he's always sounds bad. shit, like to hear you sing.
  11. well when LP got famous in 2000, i didnt like them. in fact, i didnt like any Rock music at the time. just liked Rap. i alwayz said Heavy Rock alwayz hurt my head and i coudnt listen to it (which waz alwayz an lie lol) and then In The End came out and i waz like WOW. its Rap and Rock, pretty fuckin awesome. then i rememberd my brother havin the CD and i heard it few times and straight up loved it. IN THE END is the song that got me into LP, and i've never looked back..and became an hardcore fan ever since. and LP is the reason why i started to get into other bands and all types of Rock music.
  12. you guys are unbelievable. Chester has an AMAZING voice. and you guyz are saying his voice has gotten worse? WOW. he is by far the best singer out there in any type of band.. and he sounded great on Road To Revolution. just love his singing voice how he can sing and scream in so many great qualities.
  13. yea, i went to the one in '04 and this year's as well..pretty fuckin amazing
  14. well, i thought he did his vocals very well. but that's just me. the last two songs Faint and Bleed It Out, thought he waz great as usual. i do gotta admit he sounded better on 'Live In Texas'.. but if they would of done 26 songs, maybe they could of takin longer encores, breaks and maybe have Mike talk to the crowd more so Chester can rest up for other songs..i dont know. would of loved it if they would of done a Double Live CD though.. but i thought Chester waz great. i thought it waz a great show. havin Jay-Z come out, Mike in the crowd on In The End, Reanimation Intro for Crawling, awesome intro/outro for One Step Closer and havin that long version of Bleed It Out with that great Drum solo, and great Fast pace Heavy Metal Outro just made it end perfect.. great Concert. Special night.
  15. Jen

    I live near you! I am in Ukiah. I didn't think I would see anyone on here so close to where I am. Anyway, I'm Jen, nice to *meet* you.

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