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Posts posted by sckofelng

  1. i am sorry for being a bit rude



    to all the others which ask me in skype, msn, irc or whatever (also here in forums):



    i get NO text messages so far now


    the signal there is bad, so we are actually lucky that we know until song 10


    i only post everything i got confirmed here..

  2. for everyone who says the show was shit:


    that is definiatly bullshit!


    if i heard right, chesters voice in LFY sounded like back in 03/04


    also, he sang everything completely, ITE, LFY, all those, he didn't let the crowd sing anything of those 2 songs, same for crawling as far as i know


    and the POA intro... oh jesus christ, that is totally badass


    NMS lights are insane, ND performing was awesome, i mean, guys, what do we want more???



    my conclusion:

    i prefer LP to play 80 minutes shows which kick some ass instead of 100 minute shows which blow

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