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Posts posted by sckofelng

  1. about Asia...

    the article from Warner says

    DBS are only going to performe in 2 cities..

    Taipei and Tokyo....

    dont know if it's true

    we'll see

    interresting, thanks for the info, although it wasnt wondering for me that they'll hit tokyo, taipei is surprising for me though :)

  2. holy shit mark your first point is an awesome idea, i would flip out if there would be an HT tour with all 12 songs, you're not alone with that, i totally second that :)


    to point 3: yeah metallica did so it would be great to have LP doin this i would nearly kill for PR 04 audio realeases / video footage.


    also, ill be trying to ask rob about the unreleased song, maybe he can give us some info

  3. wait a minute....if paramore isnt getting told off for using a macro to gain votes, why dont we do it ourselfs?! i mean wtf??? they did it before and they didnt get dq, so we can do it for LP! Trust me, just do it.


    look at it from this point of view. paramore is a sucky band and they are crap near lp. everyone agrees that linkin park squashes paramore under their feet. so why let paramore win something they dont deserve?? come on tell me! am i right???


    so if you are with me do the macro that was posted earlier in the post, and do it to get lp the votes they deserve. i already did it. its super cool. and you cant call it a cheat either. it just records your mouse movement so it votes for lp several times without having you to do it. its just the same!

    do you really want to get down to this classy?

    we rather show classy with using none of that shit and loose in a way with class :)


    They've been playing the piano version for ages now, I think the last time the studio version was played WAS in that acoustic show actually. Correct me if I'm wrong LPlive

    i think they played the studio in late 03/MWT 04


    was too beautiful there


    although my favorite is the 2006 version

  5. I hope someone records it. I wonder if they'll release any other songs from Ulalume besides CBI and Let Down. I'd love a HQ version of Morning After, 20 Eyes or End Of The World.

    The show also airs on MTV2 at 10pm and on MTVU at 11pm. The show repeats on MTV on Sat 10/31 at 6pm.

    i am pretty sure they are gonna broadcast the whole thing a bit later since it was only like 45 min

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